That smell… Aged cheese?

Event Date

Nov 23, 2022

9 Pax begged YHC for some core and mosey/sprint combos this morning at #Hollywood. Actually, they were not expecting the agenda that was planned but they still crushed it. Here’s the order of show:


Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100) Yes!

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-IST x20 (40)

-Toy Soldiers x10 (20)

Little Professor/Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute/Carrot Puller/Long Snapper/Soap Locater x10


“Commander”Run to Checkpoint 2 (parking deck ramp) for:

-Burpees x10 OYO

Run the deck

-‘Mercian burpees x10 OYO

Run the deck

-Squats x10

-Mini plank burpees x10 OYO

Run the deck

-Mountain climber x20 IC (40)

Run the deck

-Alternating t-planks x10 each side (IC) (40)

Run the deck

-Christian McCalf raises x23 IC (46)

Mosey to Checkpoint 3 (square at movie marquee) for:

-Peter Parker & reverse to Parker Peter x10 each IC (40)

Lap the square

-Reverse crunch/heels to heaven/dot that i x20 (40)

Lap the square

-Homer to Marge x10

Lap the square

-Freddy Mercury x20 IC (40)

Lap the square


Mosey to Checkpoint 4 (next square with christmas tree) for:

-Hollow hold v-up x10 IC

Lap the square

-Alternate leg jackknife/scissor crunch x10 IC each side (40)

Lap the square

-Glute bridge x10 IC

Lap the square

-Knee tuck crunch x20 IC (40)

Lap the square

Mosey to Checkpoint 5 (next square) for:

-MH x10 to grace the door of VS

Lap the square

-Touch them heels x20 (40)

Lap the square

-Donkey kicks x20 (40)

Lap the square

Mosey back to Base/Checkpoint 1

Recover, Recover


Coffeteria/Toby Talks


11/25-8th Annual Black Friday Convergence at 7am at North Meck Park. Festivities will commence afterwards.

12/2-Christmas Party will be at 11 Lakes (bring donation for Operation Sweet Tooth).

12/17-Cookie Q at Mighty Jungle.



-Dingo and Church Mouse have 2 foster children in their home. Things are kind of busy in their house (thanks for meeting a great need in our community Dingo and know that your family is making a difference).

-First responders who help us and have to work through the holiday.

-Families of the media who were involved with the helicopter crash.


Several top pedigrees were represented today (Deep Dish/Little Professor, Dingo/Church Mouse, & Swing State/Ball Handler). BTW, lots of aromas filled the air.

Deep Dish is one of the most solid F3 brothers that I enjoy posting with. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree either because Little Professor showed up strong today in top-notch college football shape. He made us all look bad.

Swing State rocked the workout today and shared the stage with his brother, Ball Handler, who was in town. They don’t look anything alike though… Let the record refelect that we did not test Ball Handler’s skills.

Dingo and Church Mouse both represented strong today. I know Dingo is a proud dad of the young man Church Mouse is becoming (regardless of the negative influence and mumble chatter that he overhears from the Pax).

What can’t Kosar do? Dude has the heart of a Lion. Enough said…

YHC hasn’t posted with Big Montana in a while so it was great seeing him again. It appeared that he wanted to do even more reps than YHC could fit in.

The Pax then went to Toby Talks for Coffeteria afterwards and discussed how to better manage realistic expectations of ourselves and better deal with our self-talk.

Because of your efforts today, you gents have earned the right to eat a lil’ more on Thursday due to 2+ miles ran and numerous calories burned.

It was good spending time with all of you. YHC is signing off until Monday. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

See you next week…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, etc.)