That was a long Broad JUMP.

Mosey around parking lotHigh Knee5 Burpee for late paxKariocaSSHToy SoldierISTCotton PickerThe Thang:Sprint to 1st court, 15 OYO Burpee, 15 OYO LBC, Sprint BackSprint to 2nd court, 20 OYO Burpee, 20 LBC, Sprint backSprint to 3rd court, 30 Merkin, 30 Peter Parker, Sprint BackSprint to 4th court, 20 Merkin, 20 MerkinPartner Up for Leg Raise Throwdown 1 minute, flap JackP1 Quadriphillia to 4th court then backP2 AL GORE, the flap JackP1 Duck Walk to 3rd court then backP2 Parker Peter AMRAP then flap jackP1 Broad Jump to 2nd court then backP2 180 degree Jump Squat AMRAP, then flap jackP1 One Leg Hop to 1st court then backP2 Half Burpee AMRAP, then flap jackMary: High Flutter – TitanW – MosesRosalita – Cousin EddieDying Cockroach – BagboyMore Burpee – Uncle RicoLow Dolly – Special SauceMoleskine:Great work gentlemen. always a pleasure to lead my brothers. Cousin Eddie is ready for Virgin Q next Thursday 12/20 Fission. Eeyore got some skills. Impressive long Broad JUMP. Next Monday 12/17, Bagboy got the Q at Arnie’s Army and Special time 515am.
