That was a lot of work

Week 4 of VC consists of the 1100, a beatdown and endurance event simultaneously. Let's get to it:


Windmill x 15 IC

Dwight Shrutes x 15 IC

IST x 15 IC

Forward Fold to Reverse Swan Dive up on tes x 5

The Main Event

We will complete 10 excercises x 20 and drop a excercise each round. The exercises are:

KB Swings

KB Dead Lifts

KB Goblet Squats

KB Full Curls

KB Bent over rows

KB Overhead Press

KB Lawnmower – 10 each arm

KB Upright row

KB Skull Crusher

KB Burner

Start by doing 20 of each excercise for round 1

Round 2 drop the Burner

Round 3 drop the Skull Crushers

Continue doing rounds while dropping the last exercise from the previous round unitl you get to the 1st excercise

If my math is right, you will have completed 1100 reps – not bad for a Friday


V-ups with KB x 10 IC

WWII with KB x 15

American Hammer with KB x 20 IC

Low Flutter with KB Press x 15 IC

Plank with KB row x 5 each arm


12 men tackled this butt kicking today. I heard several virtual BS calls as well. Nobody ever said it would be easy, but that's why we keep pushing ourselves. I really appreciate you all pushing me and I hope i am pushing you as well. Until next time, stay safe. Don't forget to post at the Virtual Jungle Bear tomorrow. It will be fun (said no one ever!)
