That was Easy!

Not Registered:  Longhorn

FNG's:  Stephan and John (now known as Spaceball)

Apparently there is some confussion regarding what time these 5:30 AM workouts start!?  We started with 15, but 2 left immediately for a run.  Goat showed up about 5 mins late with an FNG (i'll need a ruling on if that is a valid excuse!).  Then, about 10 mins in, Longhorn pulled in just as we were heading out to the bridge.  He said he waited at Birkdale shops until he finally decided to check Twitter at 5:35.  At least he made it!



we moseyed with some quadraphelia, and then circled up for some IST's, Windmills, Dwight Shrute's, Toy Soldiers, and some Monkey Humpers to welcome the late arrival of Goat and his FNG.


The Thang

  • Mosey to the F3 playground
  • Split into groups of 3, and do the Monkey Bars, 15 Australian Pullups with legs hanging on the opposite bar, and 10 Pullups.  The modified Australian Pullups seemed to be a crowd (dis)pleaser.  Someone suggested calling them New Zealand Pullups!?
  • Repeato
  • Mosey to the bridge
  • Suspended Bridge Mericans x15 OYO
  • Line up at the end of the bridge for 4 rounds of Sprints
  • Suspended Bridge Mericans x20 OYO
  • 1-Arm Press x20 OYO each
  • Praying Mantis x20 OYO
  • Mosey to the intersection for 20 Slow/Deep Squats
  • Karoaka back to the soccer field
  • Bear Crawl / Walk Crab / Dragon Crawl / Billy Goat
  • Back at the parking lot, partner up for dips and laps – 2 rounds each



  • Dot the "i" x10 IC
  • Walk the Elbow Plank x7
  • Al Gore 1 min



  • Props to Stephan (sp?)(pron. Steff-on), who EH'd himself.  Just moved here a week ago from Maryland, and a neighbor (non-PAX) mentioned F3 guys working out at the clubhouse.  He Googled it, and found his own way here!
  • Goat brought John out for his 2nd post.  John is an aerospace engineer, who will now be known as Spaceball!  I tried to cheat and hold John behind me on one of the leg sprints, and he brushed off my block, and took it to the house!  That boy has some speed!!!
  • It was great to see TommyBoy back in the gloom!  Keep it up brother!!
  • Kosar ran a Standard.  I 'think' Hoodie, Frodo, and Lego did too!?  Maybe others??
  • Thanks for the reigns today Tuffy!