So Frosty and YHC did a pre-work kettlebell routine on saturday at Stumpy Creek and both agreed it was horrible. We also quickly agreed we had to make the pax do it at the chubby buddha because horrible turns to great when you watch other guys hate it. YHC also figured after what rentacop did to us the previous day at the Monster Mile we may as well pile on the pain.
Warm up – same stuff
20 DC SSH's
15 IST's
15 Cottonpickers
10 DC Mericans
15 mountain climbers
….then a lap around the fountain
The Thang
Started at 20 reps ech of:
DC curls
DC Mericans
DC Squats
DC Shoulder presses
1 burpee
Then went to 18 reps / 2 burpees, 16 reps / 3 burpees….and so on….made it to 6 reps
50 DC bell assisted LBC's
10 DC flutter presses
Ladybug tried KB's workout first time and showed up accidentally with the biggest bell. He made one hell of an effort. Great job!
Nymph has been on fire lately, posting at everything imagineable
I smelled like desitin because of the extremely hot Thai food the night before – don't ask
All the guys did great today and tolerated several cadence faux paus by YHC
My EH did not show today but found a text after KB's he was at Salty Caper – where were we? Hmmmm…maybe I should have specified in back
BRR guys were out running today….lot's and lot's of running going on – BRR must stand for "Because Realmen Ruck"…an oldie but a goodie
Prayers up for several pax members dealing with family issues, prayers for Comet's grandmother who took a spill and the prayers for coworker of FLG/Rentacop whose wife is dealing with cancer. Pray for real. It works wonders.