That Was Stupid

A nice crowd gathered with a few coming in from the standard.

Warm up:

Cirlce up around the tree

Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Storm Troopers, Windwill, Arm Circles.  Plank and into pigion.  Finished up with some mountain climbers.  At this piont there were mamy pax expressing approval and gratitude for my instructions thus far.

The Thang

Head to the road, split up into two groups, one for each side.  Run to the bottom of the hill (about .1 mi) 10 Burpees, back to the top 8 burpees, down to the bottom 6 burpees, up to the top 4 burpees, down to the bottom 2 burpees…plank it out til everyone was done.  

10 squats in cadence

'New instructions, go abnout 2/3s up the hill, 20 merkins, down to the bottom 18 merkins, back up 16 merkins, back down 14 merkins, back up 12 merkins, plank.  From here lunge walk a bit and then mosey to the curb aroudn the tree.

Dips in Cadence.  Mosey to the basketball court and partner up.  Find out the basketball court is a lawsuit waiting to happen, fight my desire to call apollo onos and improvise.  Get back to the parking lot, keep partner.  One partner exercise and one run around the tree and back, switch.  As a team do 100 jump squats, 150 merkins, 200 mountain climbers, 250 LBC. 

Amen reminded me that you cant come to wilderness and not experience J Lo.  I told everyone to head to softer ground to save their elbows, the pax got exercise in chastising me for it…but deep down I think they appreciated it.  We did some

shoulder touch merkins and then had TC lead us in the American Hammer.  We finished with 5 burpees.


Oh how the PAX is ficle, so positive and supportive while doing pigeon but 60 seconds later I lost a lot of friends calling burpees and running.  Toxic made it clear that much of what we did was so stupid.  By the end it seemed like all got a good workout based on the deluge of sweat seen in the social distanced COT.  Lego, nice work bringing out the stud who did his first two posts back to back and will now be known as Estwing!  Nice work everyone and I appreciate all the support along the way Auto!  Prayers up for Olive and his family.
