That was the worst run of all time

Event Date

Jun 17, 2024


What a hot muggy Monday morning but who could think of a better way to start the week than with 4 miles. 5 Pax set off on what we thought was a normal run, or so we thought. 

As we crossed over Neck Street all hell broke loose. Horseflies everywhere and seemed to be swarming by the thousands. Vandelay seemed to get the brunt of flies and when we finally made it back to Hopewell declared this the worst run of all time. YHC will have to come back and Q again to provide a better experience. Nevertheless all Pax got it done, even Hippie who arrived a few minutes late but still got 3.5 miles in on his own. Thanks Vandelay for the opportunity to lead and thanks to the Pax for suffering through tough conditions.