That’s how we do it

Event Date

Apr 08, 2021

Last month we introduced the first – Second Thursday Challenge – under my regime.  The magic number was 20 then but we were all finished early.  So this month I thought, ‘let’s try 25 this time and that worked perfectly.

First we honored our great country with the pledge of allegiance around our awesome shovel flag that Sweet C crafted.  If you have not seen you should come on out and do so.



Warmed up around the tree with just a few exercises then head towards the rock pile.  We stopped at Queens corner for Rocky balboas then made it to the pile for the challenge.

Magic number is 25 to start and go down by fives ending at 5. So first round 25 of each exercise, second 20, third 15, fourth 10 and last 5.  Between each set go to the Pain clock and bear crawl 12 to 3 o’clock lunge walk 3 to 6 o’clock then run back to your rock.  Now for the exercises.




Overhead press 

Skull crushers 

8 count burners 


After we completed the challenge we ran back stopping at Queens corner for Freddy Mercury then back to the tree where we did some JLo, burpees and a few others I cannot remember.

We did have a great time and start to our day.  Thank you Mann for coming out and hope to see many more next month. Next Thursday we will converge with Sampson for the Q versus Q when Enron and Stapler square off. Until then, God bless!

Amen Psalm 118:24