That’s just Ludicrous

Event Date

Jan 11, 2023

Give special notice in a preblast.  

Call out cliques in a preblast.

None of it matters.  Give me that old time good time faithful.  With that, 8 pax showed up at Ludicrous anticipating to honor (by that I mean make a lot of fun of) MQ Black Eyed Pea on his final day as he hands the MQ reigns to YHC.

You know at the end of the board game LIFE where you ride off in the sunset and retire at the mansion or country estate???  Welp BEP metaphorically entered the Ludicrous Retirement zone and threw up deuces as he turned off the alarm clock and #fartsacked this one.

Nonetheless here is what happened:

0530 warm up with a mosey to the track (approx 158 ft)

The thang:

  • 1 mile at warm up pace unless Tantrum lures us in to running faster.  Spoiler alert, he did.
  • Get some lower body hammy action with Carrot Pullers x10ic followed by Windmill x10ic.
  • 400 tempo
  • Low flutter x20ic
  • 400 speedwork
  • Low flutter x20ic
  • 800 tempo
  • 2 min dynamic arm circles
  • 400 extra tempo (Pax starts, Drebin is the rabbit counting to 10 then chasing from outer lane)
  • 400 extra tempo (Pax starts, Turnpike is the rabbit counting to 10 then chasing from outer lane)
  • Mosey back to parking lot
  • LBC x20ic

Stop to congratulate FiA on 10 year anniversary, take their picture, get our picture taken.



  • As the dance party song says “ain’t no party like a Ludicrous Speed party because a Ludicrous Speed party don’t quit (unless the coffee card is played, we meet the 2.5 mile minimum, FiA asks us to, or we just want to)”
  • They say old age and cunning will defeat youth and speed all the time.  That point was proved today.  Drebin and Turnpike are basically the same age in hospital years, but Turnpike is much older in F3 years.   On the rabbit chaser 400’s, Drebin played nice and did a solid 10 count then stayed in his outer lane and ran like crazy to catch the pax.  Turnpike on the other hand extended his 10 count while walking in reverse loop until the pax came down the home stretch then took off to take out the leader at the end.   The Q never said the rabbit had to run the lap, just had to count to 10 (check),stay in lane 6 (check) and beat the pax (check).  
    • Turnpike is an IncOG ™, shoulda seen that coming.
  • Pretty sure Gambini was put on retainer as general council for FiA Isotope.  And we all might get a newly paved track because of it.
  • Though I ran unopposed as MQ of Ludicrous Speed, I do want to share the platform with which I plan to lead:
    1. The coffee card is still in play
    2. This is the running speed work AO open and welcoming to all pax
    3. Burpees are not allowed *
    4. Backblasts will be written so no pax misses the opportunity to pick up a participation patch
  • I usually do a “what I learned today” section in my backblasts.  Given this is for transitioning MQ from BEP to YHC, I want to write about “what I learned this time last year”
    • You’ve likely heard it so I’ll give the brief version.  YHC was out for 3+ years.  My shieldlock (hat tip Jedi, Ramrod, JimmyOlsen) would come meet me at my house and walk/ruck with me when I could do it.  I was on an experimental drug and feeling better.  I stopped by Starbucks and saw BEP and Calypso who excitedly encouraged me to come out to Ludicrous Speed (which didn’t exist when I went on hiatus).  They said even if I have to walk the track, they will never be more than a half a lap away, and I am better with a pax than without.
    • In fact BEP started LS under the premise that any one could get some speed work in, no matter their current capacity of speed.
    • It is that heart to serve and to be available at all times that created a platform where all are welcome and can succeed.  Think of that in every approach to life.  Are you that way with work, home, in conversations, with extended family, neighbors…..a stranger?
    • So be a Black Eye Pea (and Calypso, TBone, Freedom, Tantrum and others who started LS) and always be ready for that stray who needs a pax


  * Don Ho has an exemption and can call burpees as Q