FNG1- Thick Burger
FNG2- Liberace (why not on the list, Bro?)
15 of LKN’s finest posted at #Hollywood for a B-day beat down. Here’s a brief synopsis:
Quick mosey to adjacent lot for a disclaimer and a little IST and Windmill while we waited for Omega to check his hair and his tank top for perfection. Once he was satisfied his guns were adequately on display, he graced us with his presence.
Off we went to the theatre for SSH x 151
Down dog to stretch those tight calves
Slow Squat @ 15
Alternating LBC X 15
Another quick mosey to the parking ramp. We partnered up for:
Round 1: Partner 1 stays at the base and works on burpees. Partner 2 goes quadraphilia up the ramp, runs to the stairs and down to relieve his partner. Total goal: 96 burpees.
Low flutter while Pax finish.
Round 2: Partner 1 stays at the base and works on plank jacks. Partner 2 goes quadraphilia up the ramp and forward down to relieve his partner. Total goal: 192 plank jacks.
Freddy Mercury while Pax finish.
Round 3: Partner 1 stays at the base and works on LBCs. Partner 2 goes quadraphilia up the ramp and forward down to relieve his partner. Total goal: 288 LBCs.
Circle up for the Slow ‘Merican @ 15
Mosey to warm-up lot for The ‘Merican Time Bomb @ 7. BOOM!
Mosey to gathering lot for: 16 burpees. Then 8 burpees. Then 4 burpees. Damn! Should have just called 48 burpees. Swamp Fox knows it- oh, he knows it.
0. The title of this BB was uttered by Holiday on round 3 and YHC caught it. I’m not sure if he meant 2 gross or too gross. Either way, it was applicable.
1. Thanks for posting for my B-day Q today, Gents. Especially you, Blackbeard. I know you didn’t want to be there. But you came anyway because you care SO much. Preesh, Bro!
2. A special, rare, guest appearance by Swamp Fox at Hollywood. Thank you for posting there too. I know, I know, you had to lower your expectations for this old man’s Q. That’s OK. You’ll be there someday too.
3. Thick Burger came to pull Pax away from my Saturday Q. That’s so sneaky! At least he admitted it. For those so inclined, please consider posting for The Bridge on Saturday for their 1 year anniversary.
4. Having endured a public shaming at a local gas station for having skipped my last Q, Deep Dish made sure to post today and he brought Little Professor for back-up. Blood is thicker than water!
5. It looked like JB had an out-of-body experience at COT. He recovered quickly and slammed those 56 year old gloves to the ground like normal!
6. Omega tried to avoid the SSH by a strategically late arrival. No problem, we were happy to delay.
7. Strong work by all! Hope you guys had a good day!