The Thang:


  • Side Straddle Hops (in cadence) x 15

  • Cotton Picker (IC) x 15

  • Toy Soldier (IC) x 15

  • Mosey to the Church

The Event:

  • Grab a paver and line up in two lines behind the concrete speed bump

  • Two teams competed to complete 1000 exercises in cadence:
    1) Carolina Dry Docks

    2) Skull Crusher (w/ paver)

    3) Man-maker Merkin

    4) Low Flutter

    5) Lunges (w/ paver)

    6) Shoulder Press (w/ paver)

    7) Curl (w/ paver)

    8) Hand-release Merkins

    9) Mason Twist (w/ paver)

    10) Squat (w/ paver)

    • Team member #1 ran to the dumpster and back

    • Team member #2 CDDs

    • Team member #3 Skull Crushers

    • And so on …

    • When team member #1 returned, he went to the back of the line and everyone moved forward one spot.Team did CDDs to 100 and then began Skull Crushers.Continue until all 10 exercises completed.


Naked Man Moleskin:

  • Let’s be honest, that was a bit confusing – Special Sauce did a terrible job explaining the workout and didn’t stay on top of the PAX and their confusion.He was supposed to come 10 minutes early for the workout explanation but decided to sleep in and “come in hot.”But, better than Jolly Roger who sometimes doesn’t show at all.

  • Okay, maybe the confusion was my fault.This was an attempt at a true team competition within a normal workout that had a couple of “beta test” concepts.Props to the PAX for sticking with it and working through the exercises they’d just done.

  • Many Davidson PAX are still not registered on the F3Isotope website and I encourage everyone to do so.The following PAX are listed as FNGs: Buckner, Flow, Heister, Ole Ball Coach

  • Had two actual FNGs:

    • Foreman – aka Cecil

    • Jerry Holloman – to be named at second post

  • Many thanks to Mini Me for EH’ing me 3+ years ago at a Mt. Zion “Journey” men’s breakfast – he’s very dreamy (the dreamiest).  Can’t imagine life without the intensity and thoroughness that each of the 3 F’s to drive me.  Each of us has been blessed to be called to this group, take what you have been given and serve your community each and every day. 
  • And, thanks to #Duval and #Specialsauce for the opportunity to lead these men.
  • Say a prayer for the families in Tennessee that lost a child in the bus crash.
  • God Bless ‘Merica!