The temperature inched warmer, welcome relief to some, but irrelevant to the band of junk yard troglodytes that flipped a bird to the fartsack and pounced on the Trackscan AO like Mama Cass on a ham sandwich. The boys launched to find a warm up spot – kudos to the ever vigalant Chief who dropped back to pick himself up a late Hummer.
The Warm up
SSH (double count X 20) because they are bad a$$
Mountain Climbers X 15
Windmills X 15 to express our femine sides
1/4 jump squats because they suck
The sweet thang
Partner up for two rounds
Backwards run while partner drydocks – 150 drydocks
Bear Crawl or Lunge walk while partner squats – 200 squats
Gallop like stallions back to AO for some wall work –
15 double count dips
20 double count incline mericans
Merican crawl – 8 steps, 8 double count mericans, 7 steps, 7 double count mericans…down to 1
Saunter around bldg to brick pile.
Each guy grabs two bricks – one guys does 20 double count SSH's while others curl – move to next guy who does SSH's, pax do upright rows, continue with Skull Crushers then Shoulder presses – continue around circle until every guy SSH's
Back to original AO for Mary
30 DC LBC's
Raised leg alphabet
30 low flutters
15 mason twists
Great to see Plinko, Senator and Panama Red….Senator whose nemisis is the Bear Crawl crushed that exercise today – Plinko looked like a Britney Spears back up dancer doing his brick-laden, SSH's – a choreographed thing of beauty. Panama Red appeared ready for a second round of brick work – great work guys.
Deepend again on the pre-ruck. Becoming a regular. Ruckers ruck. Ruck Lives Matter. It's a guy thing. Manhand's always entertaining on the pre-rucks is noted somewhere in the Mooresville Police Department daily notes today. Don't ask.
As I was driving out Senator was running along side my truck yelling something about BB etiquette. Having my window up (and locked) and my 1996 Gravity Kills cassette blasting I could only make out bits and pieces of his banter about old guy and young guy F3 lexicon. I may have this wrong but he said Honeymoon was todays Cry Baby and he was todays Sugar Daddy. He may have said Puff Daddy.
Prayers for a member of Hummers staff who was diagnosed with cancer this week. Add her to your list of those in need of support and healing. Everyone stay strong, stay positive, stay committed – we're all better men for it.