The 12 Days of Skipper

Event Date

Dec 17, 2016


5 PAX came out to find out why we didn't get any freezing rain this morning.  They left stronger and better for it.  Skipper was at the helm.


10 IC Cross Country Skiers

10 IC Copperhead Squats

(Short warmp-up we've got a lot to cover.  I promised them to NOT do the 12 days of Christmas in my Preblast, so let's run up the big hill to see what YHC has in store…..)

We arrive at the front entrance of Sailview and Skipper states that there just "happens" to be 12 Oak trees that line the front entrance…..hmmm  Might as well give thanks for the 12 Days of Skipper.

Here's how it works.  Perform an exercise at each tree, starting with Tree 1, then Tree 2 and Tree 1, then Tree 3, 2 and 1, until we've hit all 12 trees, returning through each tree each time towards Tree 1 performing each "Day's" exercise in order.  

It took the whole time, no time for Mary, and at the end we had done: (Totals)

Tree 1:  1 Minute of Burpees (12 Minutes of Burpees Total)

Tree 2:  2 Merkins Around the Clock (22 Rounds)

Tree 3:  3 Jump Squats (30)

Tree 4:  4 Monkey Humpers (36)

Tree 5:  5 No-Handed Get-Ups (40)

Tree 6: 6 Groiners (42)

Tree 7: 7 Donkey Kicks (42)

Tree 8: 8 WWI Sit-Ups (40)

Tree 9: 9 Copperhead Squats (36)

Tree 10: 10 Hand-Release Merkins (30)

Tree 11: 11 Carolina Dry Docks (22)

Tree 12: 12 Stranded Turtles (12)

Reflection: Isaiah 9:6-7

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and govenment will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."  

Great reminder of the reason for the season.  My children wake up every morning with one thought on their minds.  Where is there elf?  Great concept no doubt, I just wish we could have our children wake up and be as excited about something a bit more God-like.  How cool would that be.  As we live in a commercialized nation, one where we've made Christmas more material-like, than God-like, its getting harder and harder to instill Christian values into our children.  It's our job as Fathers to broadcast the right message to them, and to lead by example.  We set-up a manger scene each year at our house.  I was so proud when my son "insisted" to my M that the baby Jesus should NOT be in the cradle before Christmas Day this year.  He understands, and more importantly he cares.  Hopefully he passes that down someday.  Aye.


* 5 Total Pax, shaking my head.  I know we are all busy, but let's get out there men.  

* A couple remembered the 12 Days of Skipper from last year. Yet they stayed!

* Goodwrench and Metro took their anger out on my box props.  Stop!  I have to use them next year!

* Great 4-mile pre-run with Vortex prior-to.  There are usually a few of us out there on Saturdays at 6:15 if you care to join us.  In other Isotope AOs its called "The Standard".  

* Just signed up for the Charlotte Whitewater Center Trail Race this January.  For those interested see myself of C-Sharp.  There are 4,9 and 13 mile options.  Mustang owns the trail-scene, so I thought I'd try out my dirt legs.  Come join us!

*Great to see Atlantis back out there from IR.  Great efforts brother.

*Great to also see Goodwrench back out there.  He's back from a solid Kiawah Marathon showing.  

*Also ran into Lightbulb and Boone (The Dog, 3.0?) doing a ruck and workout on the way back from coffee.  Nice.

*A LOT of PAX on IR or busy at work, or other life-events.  Prayers up to you all and get back soon.  

*An honor to lead and be led by you gentlemen.