The 12 DownPAINments

Event Date

Jan 02, 2016


PAX also included Footer and FNG Ken (software wouldn't let me add in the Pax field above???)

Eight strong including one FNG gathered for ANOTHER 12 days of Christmas theme beatdown.  But instead of 12 days it was the 12 downPAINments of F3.  It went something like this…


Mosey to back and bring a block back to parking lot.

12 DownPAINments

For the first downPAINment our Q gave to me…
    …. a Burpee while doing F3

For the second downPAINment our Q gave to me…
    …. 2 Bear Crawls (across parking lot and back)
    …. and a Burpee while doing F3 (hold plank after pushup part until everyone completes)

For the third downPAINment our Q gave to me…
    …. 3 Line Suicide
    …. 2 Bear Crawls
    …. and a Burpee while doing F3

…. (you get the idea)

For the 12th DownPAINment our Q gave to me…
    …. 12 Standard Burpees
    …. 11 Trifectas
    …. 10 Staggered Merkins
    …. 9 Block Curls
    …. 8 Monkey Humpers
    …. 7 Starburst Squats
    …. 6 Shoulder Presses
    …. 5 Diaaaamoond Merkins
    …. 4 Dr. W's
    …. 3 Line Suicide
    …. 2 Bear Crawls
    …. aannnnd a Buuurrrpeeee while doing F3


Psalms 65:11 –  "You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance."

Instead of looking back over the mistakes, failures and other negative aspect of the previous year, reflect upon all of the blessings you enjoyed.  Let God's blessing be the crown on the previous year as you eagerly await what is to come. "And your carts overflow with abundance…" the point is that where God goes, richness abounds.  God's presence is life and abundance.


– Great to have FNG Ken with us today.  Shout out your ideas for F3 name in comments.
– Heard someone suggest that this be the last "12 Days" theme workout of the season.
– Wasn't thinking when I put Monkey Humpers and Starburst Squats back to back.
– It was a privilege to lead today! Hope everyone has a great week!