11 merry, elfish looking men rolled into the Monster Mile to start their Christmas Week off right. We quickly realized that Christmas Break was setting in mentally as we discussed whether to and who should plant the flag, waiting for the stragglers and deciding whether to get started or wait for everyone to get it together. I figured we would eventually figure it out, so on we went:Warmup:Lap around Church20 SSH (IC)10 IST(IC)That was plenty as we needed time for the Thang:Plans were made out to complete the 12 Gloomy Mornings of Christmas. We start with 5 reps of exercise and then run a lap around the church. Every time we added another exercise and 5 additional reps to that exercise. All reps were single count and we first went to the rock pile to grab a friend to assist on certain exercises. Here is what it looked like: 5 Burpees 5 Burpees 10 Shoulder Press 5 Burpees 10 Shoulder Press 15 Merkins 5 Burpees 10 Shoulder Press 15 Merkins 20 Skull Crushers 5 Burpees 10 Shoulder Press 15 Merkins 20 Skull Crushers 25 Dry Docks 5 Burpees 10 Shoulder Press 15 Merkins 20 Skull Crushers 25 Dry Docks 30 Curls 5 Burpees 10 Shoulder Press 15 Merkins 20 Skull Crushers 25 Dry Docks 30 Curls 35 Squats 5 Burpees 10 Shoulder Press 15 Merkins 20 Skull Crush 25 Dry Docks 30 Curls 35 Squats 40 Calf 5 Burpees 10 Shoulder Press 15 Merkins 20 Skull Crush 25 Dry Docks 30 Curls 35 Squats 40 Calf 45 LBC 1 Lap 1 Lap 1 Lap 1 Lap 1 Lap 1 Lap 1 Lap 1 Lap 1 LapAfter 9 Days we ran out of time, returned our little friends and counted off.Moleskin-The exercises not completed were Bentover Rows, SSH and the always crowd pleasing Flutter Kicks. I will keep them in mind and we will complete them at future workouts.-Strong work by all today-Chief can be grumpy on Mondays-Good luck to all the ruckers who began their training for the HTL today. Be safe, have fun and enjoy the journey-Special prayers for Mailman for a safe surgery and a speedy recovery.-Merry Chistmas to all Racecity Pax, those that post every day and those that we have not seen in a while but keep in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the gift of F3 that truly is a gift that lasts all year.Aye