The $1200 Pyramid

Week 6 of the Virtual Cauldron is here because I care about your fitness. How much do I care? This much…


15 Windmills IC

15 Dwight Shrutes IC


15 Toy Soldier IC

Arm Circles

The Thang

Complete all 8 KB exercises starting at 5 reps, increasing by 5 up to 25 and then back to 5


KB Swings

KB Squats

KB Dead Lifts

KB Curls

KB Overhead Press

KB Skull Crusher

KB Bent Over Row

KB Mason Twist


V-up w/ KB x 15 IC

Hollow hold with KB for 1 minute (on your six with legs and arms extended holding KB outstreched)

Mobility Moment – Pigeon, Spinal Twist


17 of LKN's finest, including a birthday boy took on today's challenge, lived to tell their tale, and got stronger. If you completed the full Pyramid to 25, then 25 back to 5, you did 1200 reps. I heard there were a few different versions out there today. Well, with no Q in attendance, it all counts. I think we will have one more week of a Virtual Cauldron so I will start planning now. Great job to all of you, and Happy Birthday Lawn Dart. 

Stay Safe