The 1st Ever (and possibly the last) Backblast for Ludicrous Speed

Event Date

Sep 29, 2021

No Q on the calendar (there's never been a single Q on the calendar for this AO since its inception), but BEP sent out a PB anyway, and for some reason YHC (The Force) found it to be intriguing and inviting, and despite my better judgement YHC showed up.  YHC was happy to meet Gambini there, plus T-Bone.  Snake Eyes then rolled in, and that was it.  No BEP (thus no Q – just like the website promised).  Alas, BEP rolling in a few mins later and we started right on time – at 5:38 SHARP.

2 warm-up laps around the track, then some stretches, then more running.  Run a lap, stop for 20 merkins, 20 low flutters, then 20 squats.  Walk 1/4 lap, then run a lap.  Repeato, 3-peato, and so on.

In all YHC estimates we clocked approx 7.5 miles, but YHC may be rounding up just slightly.


Felt good to run a little – took me back to the Yasso's BEP had me doing in prep for the Huntersville Half.

Great to meet Gambini and to see T-Bone again.  I see Snake Eyes often – must be why he's so fit and strong.

That's it.  That's the backblast.  Took about 4 minutes.  Ta-da!  The Force is OUT.
