The 1st Ever Block Party at Night Ranger

Event Date

Apr 06, 2016

On a night that felt cooler than the mercury reflected, 2 pax members showed up despite my warnings that my Weinke was prepared whilst in a foul mood.  In a related developments, my car was low and slow riding to Night Ranger as the trunk was loaded with 12 new freshly donated cinder blocks to the DPK AO.  Enjoy them gents.  

Anyway…after a few probing questions about their spirits and willingness to suffer, we launhed into a Tabata Beat down with cinder blocks.


  • SSH x15 IC
  • High knees up to Level 1
  • Butt kickers back down
  • Little baby arm circles, front to back small to large and reverso
  • Stetch arms across, lock fingers and stretch sides, lower back, drop the hands and flip them for a back stretch…and find your cinderblock

The Thang

Each Tabata cycle was 1 minute in duration with 15 seconds rest for five cycles

  1. Tabata 1
    1. Decline 'Merican – feet on blocks
    2. Mountain Climbers – hands on blocks
    3. Incline 'Merican – hands on blocks
    4. Freddie Mercury
    5. Pull Through 'Merican dragging the block across your body after doing a 'Merican
  2. Rest – Quadrophelia up to level 1, Mosey back down
  3. Tabata 2
    1. Alternate shoulder press
    2. WW2 with feet in blocks
    3. Full curls
    4. LBCs
    5. Overhead press
  4. Rest – Quadrophelia up to level 1, Mosey back down
  5. Tabata 3
    1. Weighted squat
    2. Sit up with feet locked in fence in front of you and touch block to fence
    3. Lunge with press lets just do a weighted lunge
    4. Hammer twist with weight, audible to no weight after 30 seconds
    5. Deep side squat off block for 30 seconds each side
  6. Rest – Quadrophelia up to level 1, Mosey back down
  7. Tabata 4
    1. Burpee with block press
    2. Left side plank
    3. 8 count burner with block
    4. Right side plank
    5. 8 count total body burner with overhead press
  8. Rest – Quadrophelia up to level 1, Mosey back down
  9. Tabata 5
    1. Flutter kick with blocks up
    2. Hip bridge with left leg up and blocks up
    3. Regular plank with the ''goat stretch" after 30 seconds
    4. Hip bridge with right leg up and blocks up
    5. Flutter kick with blocks up
  10. Rest – Quadrophelia up to level 1, Mosey back down
  11. Carry blocks to hiding spot in AO – 2 at a time
  12. Rest – Quadrophelia up to level grab more bricks, carry them to hiding spot
  13. Recover, recover

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Its an honor to lead at DPK. Its an honor to lead at F3.
  • Silver Bullet has no quit, and Freedom is ''strong like bull'
  • Due to the lack of an ability to breathe, there was good 2F conversation and lots of sucking wind
  • The Pax calls of 'BS' were fair.  The Tabata 4 was a little silly with the side planks, but hey…and the mason twist with the block was a little more dramatic than I imagined.
  • Prayers to those who are struggling – Duvall and Frogger have both had issues lately and are in our thoughts and prayers. Both are good men and it sucks to see a man struggle
  • Speaking of struggle, thank you men for showing up and offering prayers at the end of the workout.   Let us go help others in some way.