The 2020 was a no-show

YHC arrived at LFC today to find Rocket and Enron as the only attendee’s at 5:25. No need to worry though as the next round of cars showed up, and we quickly got to 11 PAX. I said the disclaimer and we were off. We moseyed around the parking lot while Qbert chased us in his truck while cranking the tunes. We ended up at the pull-up bars for the warm up which consisted of the following exercises:

Dwight Shrutes 15 IC
Slow Windmill 10 IC
Toy Soldier 10 IC
The workout 
Everyone grab a block and line up across the parking lot for the Block Bear Crawl run to the other end of the lot. Once there, we attempted a Crab Walk block push back and immediately audibled back to the Block Bear Crawl run to the start. That is always a quick way to raise your heart rate, and today was no different. 
Everyone grab your blocks and circle up for a block ladder. We did a 10/1 ladder with 10 block burpee swings (BBS) and then ran a lap around the island to the pull up bars for 1 pull up. The ladder continued with 9/2, 8/3, …. We planked and then ran with the six so all Pax would complete the ladder. 
Circle up for more block work:
Curls 10 IC
Squats 10 iC
Skull Crushers 10 iC
Overhead Press 10 iC
Oblique Drops 5 IC each side
Mosey back to the cars for Mary
Amen called J-Lo 10 iC
Mobility Moment – Up & Down Dog, and L & R Pigeon
Crocs and Qbert battled it out to see who was the quickest block pusher. Not sure who prevailed but I couldn’t keep up with that kind of speed.
Rocket celebrated his birthday but didn’t bring us beer or bourbon. Maybe next week when he has the Q?
Amen showed up right as we were starting, true to form, and also called a mean J-Lo, true to form as well. 
Carpet Bagger is not slowing down despite another year. The only thing that may slow him down is the Letterman beard. Impressive!
Honeysuckle Blue was so into the mobility moment, he was almost sleeping.
Nacho Libre & Enron were pushing each other and all of us today.
Frontier was happy, as was I, we didn’t have to deal with the lightening this week. Thanks for also being an alternate to Q next week.
AMPM is making the rounds and has been to Davidson, Meca, Cornelius, and Hill, all in the 3 weeks he has been working out with F3. He also pushed us all today. 
Great work to all the Pax today. Keep AMPM’s sister in your prayers. Until next tme.