The 26’er

10 of MIL's finest appeared on this cool, clear, starry morning to be greeted by the 26'er!



Stretching- right hand down, left arm up, soft gaze, right hand to left ankle, switch sides, Side Straddle Hops x 25 IC, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Toy Soldiers x 15 IC, Imperial Storm Troopers x 15 IC

The Thang:

Pax did 26 reps of the following exercises with about a 0.10 mile run between each exercise.  We started in the parking lot with the first exercise, the Man Maker Mercan, ran to second stop sign, did the next exercise,  Plank Jacks, then ran back to the parking lot for the next exercise, back to the second stop sign, etc.

  1. Man Maker Mercans x 26
  2. Plank Jacks x 26
  3. Floor Wipers x 26 
  4. Apolo Ohno x 26
  5. Burpees x 26
  6. Mountain Climbers x 26
  7. Lunges x 26
  8. Dips x 26
  9. Calf Raises x 26
  10. Mason Twists x 26
  11. Squats x 26
  12. Mercans x 26
  13. WW11 x 26


  • Welcome FNG Ceasar Gonzales!  Now named Mojito.  Strong workout by him today.  Props for showing up after the 1/2 marathon he ran on Saturday!
  • Double digit showing by the pax today.  Nice. 
  • It started out cool, but got warm real quick, especially after the crowd pleasing burpees!
  • Q needs to go back to math class to learn how to count, or at least pay attention while leading, LOL!
  • Natty had great time at the Smack Down, think he went for him ( he said he was taking his boys for one of their birthdays, right…) .  Got education about Raw vs Smack Down.  Sounds like Q's old highschool wrastling days.
  • Got taunted by the ladies this am for not doing squats properly.  Wow, we might get hurt doing squats like that!
  • As always, it was a pleasure leading this fine group of men this am!