The 2nd “Public” running of The Caboose

Today was the 2nd "public" running of The Caboose, Isotope's newest running AO.  The Incogs have been piloting this one for awhile before getting it officially on the books.  Appreciate the thorough vetting prior to implementation fellas!  Your move PopTart…

The large turnout of 17 pax and one dog shows that the interest level was high…in spite of challenges such as the odd start time (incogs like their coffee time), lack of the MQ's advertising budget, and Enron's birthday convergence Q.

The route was published ahead of time…an out-and-back that took us into the hills of Northstone and back.  Quick history lesson…there is a 10+ year old bike ride during Spring through Fall on Tuesday and Thursday evenings that is also called The Caboose.  Today's route, up to the turn-around point, follows the exact same roll-out as that ride.  

In spite of pubishing the route ahead of time, and making it an out-and-back (so really only half of the route needed to be memorized), I still expected some direction issues from the pax.  However, I am happy to say that everyone made it back and within a few minutes of each other. 

This doesn't tell the whole story though…here are some of my recollections (not in chronological order): 

– The first mile was flat.  This was intentional to hedge any early BS calls.  Still I heard, "we only run south at The Caboose" as we headed out north.  Once we hit the Northstone hills I was informed that "this is not on the P200 training plan".


– Fenway ripped into the parking area squeeling wheels as normal.  Auto didn't know that was vintage Fenway and wondered aloud, "who is this dick?" 

– Speaking of Fenway, he presented TBone with a Purple Heart Homes packet and folded American flag, thanking him for his service in the military.  It was a very gracious gesture that I wish I had captured exactly what Fenway said.  I'm left wondering what is in that purple folder…

– Half a mile into the run Smokey drives by the group, and pulls over and parks in a random yard.  He hopped in the run and was convinced that the 0515 start time wasn't included in the PB.  Check the tape!

– Among the announcements were the upcoming Quarter Ruck (HC), The Dale Beatty Purple Heart Homes 5k, and that the F3 Calendar for The Caboose is wide open and Jolly needs Q's to fill it.  Come bring your creative route-making skills to this AO!  

– Calypso is in training mode for P200.  He had eagerly HC'd for the P200 then realized later on he should've asked more details first when he then found out it was a 6 man team. 

– Primetime ran in his usual tank and short-shorts, and pointed out that it was ridiculous that I wore a jacket and gloves

– Hoodie is right in the middle of "remedial running" as he recovers from foot surgery.  Someone told him 6 min mile pace for 4 min followed by 30 seconds of walking is somehow better for recovery than an 8:30+ pace.  

– Ducky and Anchovy are both putting in decently sized mileage weeks, even though they smoked a half marathon this past Saturday.  Not to mention both are looking lean and mean.  Keep it up fellas.

– Turnpike did not get lost

– DonHo wanted burpees but settled for a Ball of Man.  Thanks for taking us out brother!

– Freepass has a fresh hair cut, looking like the Freepass I know and love.

– Crocs won the race even though he missed a late turn.  He also made me run 6 min flat pace the last half mile so I could chat with him.  Good luck on your upcoming half!  Also, kudos for laying out an aggressive goal of sub 1:30, you got it!

– Little Finger missed the parking lot, then missed an early turn.  Fortunately he hadn't gone too far down that dark alley before we saw him and called him back.  

– Auto wants to post at one of my Q's…he didn't consider this a real Q because it was running only. I hope to make all the "the week of Auto" Q's next week.  Happy early birthday!

– TBone asked if the route was out-and-back at least 3 times…and that's only what I heard.  No missed turns and a solid 4 miles, nice work!

– Lotti is already 4.  I love that she walks while everyone else runs, yet we keep the same pace.  

– LEGO took half a day of PTO to attend today's workout.  Thanks for making the hour drive!  I hope you enjoyed running by the old house.  I told the story of how we used to 2 mile Standard before and after Mad Sci from your crib back in the day.  Fun times.  

Gray Ghost