The 333

Event Date

Nov 29, 2017

8 Posted to ELHS Mustang for the 333rd day of the year for a 333 workout. We mostly stayed stationary as the Q snuck in some good core and stabilization work.

20 IC Mt. Climbers
10 IC 1 leg bridge (each leg)

The thing
The 333

3 circuits, 3 moves, 3 sets

Circuit 1
Squats – 20 IC
Reverse Lunge with knee drives – 8 IC each side
Jump knee tucks – 8 OYO
Repeato, repeato

Circuit 2
'mericans – 12 IC
3 legged dog twists – 8 IC each side
single leg crunches – 8 IC each side
repeato, repeato

Circuit 3
Side lunges with hands up – 8 each side
Butterfly dips – 8IC
Reverse crunch rolls 8 IC
repeato, repeato

To the pull-up bar.  Everyone will probably fail to complete this straight through.  33 pull-ups. When you get tired finish with jumping/negative pull-ups. Awaiting pax will run laps around the field. Although the PAX seemed happy to move from the launch pad, there was an apparent rebellion as most of the PAX wanted to do 11 pull-ups between running a lap or skipped pull-ups all together.  Unsure of the cause of such mutiny, YHC just assumes these men need to post more often.

6MOM Turned out to be more like 30 seconds
33 Second American Hammer


Today is the 333rd day of the year. Searching 333 yields all kinds of results on the end of days and people opinions of the importance of the number 3.  Lots of numerology crap stuff. Also a popular result, Ezekiel 33:3

and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people

Important take away that I get from this is that we need to be the watchman for each other.  The subsequent 2 verses discuss how if you hear the warning and do nothing, it's your own fault and if "the watchman" sees you are about to be hurt and does nothing about it, then the watchman is to blame.  F3 brothers, we are truth-sayers, meaning if we see bad in a brothers life, something that can derail us, we warn our brothers.  Lookout for each other.  If you see me doing something stupid, call me out.


  • Butterfly dips – Yeah won't be doing those again, but a crowd favorite
  • Reverse crunch rolls #SYOD Caught the PAX by surprise
  • Lots of good core and hip work snuck in here
  • Spork and Clubber disappointed by a lack of running today.  Y'all know we have a running workout on Monday, right?