The 4 Horsemen

Event Date

Feb 22, 2025

No Q on the docket so we passed it around for ~15 minutes each. What we did I am not sure of because I slept a few times sine then, but we did something and it was good. I do know that you were missed, and we all had a longer chat at coffee (breakfast) than we did workout. If you have nothing better to do, at least come hangout and recharge at coffee.

What I think we did…
100 strict pull-ups in 3 minutes
200 Burpees in 10 minutes
1 mile partner carries
ran a 5K in under 20 minutes wearing s 20 lb vest

What we actually did…
Some parking lot partner exercises with partner A doing dips while the other ran. We did that twice
Did a couple other moves in a similar pattern.

Moved over to the flag pole for some quadraphilia, lunge walks, Karaoke and moseys while partners did various moves. C# and Clark got made fun of for moving too slow and talking.

Did some Australian pull-ups, regular pull-ups, block work.

Stopped at some cones that by coincidence were placed perfectly for doing some 4 corners including many squats and merkins

Finished up with some 6MOM

Psalm 34:14
Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
