The 64 1/2 Mustang Distraction at Bedrock

Event Date

Aug 06, 2023


Pulling into the main parking lot at Bailey Road Park, YHC noticed in the distance an unmistakeable vintage red convertible Ford Mustang – top down and glistening from the pine tree-filtered morning sunlight. Slowly approaching this iconic American Muscle Car, YHC felt a sudden elevated heart rate, sweaty palms and flashing childhood memories. One of the most iconic American vehicles ever made and a car every high school teenager growing up in the 70’s yearned to own, the mustang remains one of Ford’s most popular vehicles over a half century later . The driver and of course owner of this gorgeous piece of machinery is our very own Omega, fresh off his two week trip to Italy with his dad and brother. As other PAX filed in, Omega gave a quick run-down of the 64 1/2 mustang. Jersey Boy pulled in hot and nervously close to the vintage Mustang and thankfully no door dings were reported.

After a brief disclaimer, the PAX were off like a herd of turtles (well slow mosey) and headed to the track fro one lap, ending up at the wall in plank position. Still distracted by thoughts of the mustang, YHC inadvertently skipped warm-a-rama and went right into merkins and air squats…oooops. Thx to the call out by Waffle House, YHC played it off like it was planned and went directly to the middle of the soccer field for the prescribed warm-a-rama. At some point during this time Kid Rock joined us just a few minutes late.

The PAX covered a considerable amount of distance given the amount of stops that were made for pain stations. Overall, a Strava verified 2.6 miles were covered. Multiple stops were made along the way including wind sprints on the first soccer field, with a variety of other exercises thrown in for good measure (shoulder touch merkins, WWII’s, jump squats and a little mobility).

PAX also hit the picnic shelter for alternating step ups, incline merkins and dips. We made it all the way up to Hwy 115 where PAX would perform monkey-humpers and Wiley Coyote’s. PAX would end the beatdown with 3 sets of air squats and pull-ups at Wolfpack Park followed by a short dose of MARY.

  • Great morning and solid work by everyone in attendance!
  • A second post by Joe (EH’d by Primo) who will now be known as Big Cheese, as Joe attended a small Catholic university in Wisconsin and played football there (believe it was St. Norbert). Please welcome Big Cheese when you see him!
  • Thanks to Kid Rock who closed us in prayer!

Always an honor and privilege to be with the men of F3 in the morning!


Humbly in Christ,

