The Abacus

Event Date

Aug 17, 2017


8 men posted to SVU to willing inflict pain on themselves and in the process acquire grit and toughness.  Also made an abacus out of pine cones.  Safe to say we sharpened our creative minds as well as muscles.       


10 SSH – starting at 5:28

10 Cotton Pickers

Arm Circles

Everyone heads to the back to pick out their blocks


The Plan:  

10 Block Burpees – using 32# concrete block

Run to top of LBH and back

(This set = 1 count, so you get to move a pine cone for count)

OYO : As Many Sets as Possible

The results: 8 PAX deliver:

83 Hill Runs

830 Block Burpees



No time (or energy) for Mary

Reflection: What causes do you champion?  

“Solve problems big enough to matter, but small enough to solve”.

Mole Skin:

  • Nothing fancy today, just straight up work

  • Goal was 1,000 burpees.  With 8 PAX, Cheetah noted we could have made it on a Saturday. Maybe he will bring this to a Sat. soon?

  • Burpees are a lot harder when you’re holding a 32# block

  • LBH seemed to get steeper as workout progressed

  • Lots of sweat, remember to hydrate today

  • Everyone worked to their limits today, thanks for the effort

  • On paper this looked hard, it’s didn’t disappoint

  • Thanks for opportunity to share my idea.  Enjoyed it.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb