The Abdominal 500

Event Date

Mar 29, 2021



After Q provided a warning on the pre-blast that the workout would be all about running and abs, only one other PAX showed up.  Next time, no warning of what will be in store…

Q warmed up by running to AO, so we got started right at 5:30 with the main event.  This consisted of 5x of the following:

  • 0.8 mile running circuit
  • 20 LBC
  • 20 Freddy Mercury
  • 20 low flutter
  • 20 crunchy frog
  • 20 WW2

All in all, including the running to the starting point, it was about 4.25 miles and the 500 reps of ab exercises.  No time for Mary, but we did have time for COT.  


  • Got some insight into ethics in medicine.  I bet no one thought this workout would also be educational…
  • Q did fish fry Sunday after catching some bass down in Georgia.  
  • Q is having much delivered on Wednesday, so those looking for some upper body and legs workout, are welcome to come over.

Thank you Pinky for showing up.  Otherwise, it would have been a lonely workout.  Prayers for your sister and her family.