The Animals Were Filthy at the Mighty Jungle

16 animals of questionable character showed up for a romp through the Mighty Jungle.  (Need to get The Dude added to Pax list).


Begin with a mosey back and forth through parking lot with a little carioca, backward run, high knees and butt kickers.



  • SSH x 20
  • IST x 20
  • The Outlaw Sequence
    • Wojo Squats x 10
    • Thrusters x 10
    • Merkins x 10
    • Jump Squats x 10
    • The Burpee


The Workout:

Mosey down to school wall.

  • People's chair with heel touches
  • Ascending Testicles
    • Derkins x 5 at 30 degrees
    • Derkins x 5 at 60 degrees
  • People's chair
  • BTW w/ Derkins x 5

Grab a cinder block and carry it to pull up bars for the Filthy Fifty

  • 50 reps of each of the following exercises with the cinder block
    • Overhead press
    • Curl
    • Right arm lawnmower pull
    • Left arm lawnmower pull
    • Squat
    • Lunges
    • Decline merkins
    • Skull crushers
    • Knee ups (no block)
    • Bunny hop over block

LIne up in plank with block in front of you for a Cack-a-Lack-a Choo Choo with Farmer Carry thrown in.  First person bunny hops the pax and next grabs both blocks and farmer's carry to the end.  Keep alternating until we're back where we got the blocks.



  • Low Flutter x 20
  • LBC x 20
  • Low Dolly x 15
  • Rosalita x 15
  • Elbow Plank


  • The Clown Car had a full load of idiots this morning.  Repeated attempts to hijack the workout into some social hour had to be thwarted.  There's a saying about some monkeys and a football that seems to come to mind with these guys.  Some of their commentary would only be on the FX channel after 10PM..
  • Glad to have PAX include Smores who decides that everything is optional.  Whether or not he will do a particular exercise is one option and how many he will actually do is another.
  • Looks like Callahan may be the resident expert on Japanese anime (add the accent).  Pretty sure how he spent his afternoons in middle school.
  • Sorry, that's all I got.  Too much confusion.

An honor and privilege to be part of this group (even after this one).
