The Army Does Basic Training

Great PAX of 29 men found the old school AO of Arnies Army mixed with the new… the cold gloom



2 Laps around the Birkdale track to the warm-o-rama

SSH x 25

Downward Dog

CDD x 20

IST x 20

Merkins x 15

Cotton Picker x 20

Mosey to the Bridge Over the River Pain

Peoples Chair

Airpress x 20

Bridge Bear Crawl

Peoples Chair

Touch Them Heels x 20

Bridge Bear Crawl

Mosey to 4 Corners

Karaoke right / left back to parking lot

Circle up around Whoville tree

Mohammad Alis x 20

Mosey through the muck to block pile

Partner up

Partner 1 – 10 Overhead presses, 10 curls, 10 skull crushers then Zamperini until further instruction

Partner 2 – LBCs until further notice


Mosey to pull up bars

3 Sets

10 Pullups

20 Merkins

30 squats

Mosey to COT



1) 3 FNGs and 1 second timer today! love the new blood

2) Huge crowd made it impossible to do over and backs…. next time I will be ready.

3) Cold or not the muck and mud were still there…..but hard to see it in the gloom

4) Amen brought his 2.0 and 2.1 – 2.0 his second post and named –  Little Ben – which hurts since Little Ben is a Bengals fan  and 2.1 to get his next

5) Welcome FNGs – Wayne Richards, Tony (need last name) from Dingo and Daniel Corner