The Art of Confusion

Event Date

Aug 11, 2020

Also in attendance McBeal, 8 Mile and FNG- now Tiger King.

Covered Q for Methane and wanted to bring a little Methane intensity, maybe a little too much. Multiple winkies were laid out across the Outer Limits- check. Q showed up right at 5:30am, little confusion- check. Multiple team workouts a little too complex and hard to explain- check? First circuit too hard leading to FNG puking in the playground bushes at 2nd circuit, memorable?- check. Third circuit hill sprints with bear crawls- check. Back to COT right at time- check. Workout harder than anticipated, Sparknut forgetting his age at COT and 8 Mile put on the spot for 2 min devotion- check. Confusion- check. Fun workout and a little mayhem in the gloom- check.


SSH, wind mill, mountain climbers, merkins, runners stretch, ankle stretch

The Thang

Circuit 1- 4 Corners- Team of 2 at the green

One teammate runs around green while one does 20 of X exercise at each of the 4 corners. Teammates switch when then meet up after circling the green.    Exercises. 1. Merkins. 2. Jump squats. 3. Dry dock toe touchs.   This exercise was hard because your teammate is moving and you have to catch up to them.

Circuit 2- Team of 2 at playground

30 pullups, 120 dips, 200 LBC's. Team works together to hit number alternating while one does exercise and other holds plank. 

Circuit 3- Team of 2 at Silas Pl. Hill

Teammate 1- Spints half way up hill, does 10 squats at the top, jogs back down to teammate 2 to switch. 

Teammate 2- performs bear crawl, then 10 merkins, bear crawls back to start line, then heals to heaven until teammate 1 comes back.


8 Mile gave a great 2 min devotion on his study of 1 Peter and how God uses difficult, trying times to stretch us and draw us into a closer relationship with Him. FNG with two Maine Coon cats got the awesome name of Tiger King. Prayers for 2nd stimulus to go through for those on furlough or who have lost jobs during this time of Covid. Prayers for grace and mercy. 

Thank you men for giving me the opportunity to lead. 
