6 mean came out to help Mater, Skipper, and myself drop some vacation weight.
9 in total with FNG being Groot – Theuss 2.0
0526 Metro and I hear a tree fall in the woods – knowing Shirley likes to sneak up from that direction we wanted to make sure he wasn't trapped. Tree located – All is well!
- SSH X ? IC – Dandelion strolls in mid way through – we continue doing SSH until he actually starts them.
- Tony Hawks X 15IC
- Copper Head Squats X 10IC
- Windmills X 10IC
Head to top of Little Baby Hill
Thang: Modified Badger
- 5k pace to end of Summit Ridge – first person to get there starts the 5 exercises below
- Mtn Climber X 10IC
- Squats X 10IC
- Merkins X 10IC
- Dr W X 10IC
- Burpess 10 OYO
- 5k pace back to intersection – Plank for the 6
- When 6 gets there – 1 min of Plank
- Run down end of Ash Hollow and Repeato
- Repeato for a total of 5 interations
- Welcome back Big Easy – badgered by Metro and others for a few weeks to show up
- Mater offered up different exercises after round 2 – I can't remember more than 5 Sorry
- Struedel has gotten fast – not going to be able to keep up with him soon.
- Skipper was on fleek this am – not sure how his exhaust is able to hang around even with a breeze
- Metro informs us he's moving next month – F3 Midway? – #nomoresurprisemurphs
- Dandelion really missed Skipper and I – FYI – the welcome back T-Bag was unnecessary #metoo
- Theuss is on a roll lately – good to see you out again!
Pleasure to lead this am,