Soul Glo was also there, but not on the website.  #thestandard was run by Pierogi, Loveshack, Duvall, Strutter, and Contra and Ruckers were Big Mean, Manhands, Comet, Frosty, and Finger Lickin' Good.  

Our 'meat and potatoes' part of this post involved five (5) pushups 'down in the valley below'….immediately bringing back the legendary Led Zepplelin song the Battle of Evermore.  It's track #3 on Led Zeppelin IV.  If you haven't listened to this song…you should.  In fact, just go ahead ahead and Q up the entire album.      I'll wait.  Just listen to it…..there, now this BB will ostensibly read better for you.  

Warm Ups: Mozy, COP (IC) SSH 20, 1 handed Merkins 5  R/L, IST 15, MC's 15, Mericans 10, CDD's 15, WM's 10, SDS 15. 

The Thang:  We began with a Tabata.  4 min, 20 sec AMRAP, 10 sec rest, 4 exercises, repeated once.  Dips, jump squats, mericans, LBC's.  HR up?….check.  Mozy to base AO.

COP-Sit outs 10 IC, Scorpions 8 R/L IC, Hillbilly's 10 IC.

Mozy to steps, 4 (four) trips up R/L karaoke, bunny hop, bear crawl.  There are 41 steps if anyone is innerested in keeping tally of that sort of thing.  Mozy to the 'valley'.

Top of one side of said valley, 10 burpees, run to ravine, 5 mericans, our 'counstant' (C), top of other side, 2 squats, back down, C, up to 8 burpees, C, 4 squats…you get the idea.  Painful…..simply awful, Q was smoked, Chicken Little gave us a 10 count.  Form column, Indian run the long way to the rock pile, grab a rock.

COP-IC sets of 15, then 10 of skull crushers, mil presses, curls, bench presses and lat pullovers. Return rocks, Mozy to main AO parking lot (again).

Mary: R/L elbow to knee 15 IC, Frosty's Parker Peter's 20 IC, Loveshack's Mason's 20 IC.  Straight Cash's W's 15 IC (or so). Recover, recover


-GREAT that Duvall joins us up at The Glen, simply said, we love him.

-Awesome to see Pierogi back in the fold, careful with that achilles, he was awesome!

-Comet commented saying 'bring it back' during the COP rockwork.  That cemented the title of this Q…for YHC.  YHC knows you know why.

-Chicken Little needs to be checked for PED's, just sayin….

-Lear led repsects of Usain, Deepend, Duvall, and Soul Glo inspire ALL of us to be better with age.  These men are studs!

-LOTS of mumblechatter today, including plenty of negative remarks about 'some' of the excercises….music to the Q's ears!

-Pretty in Pink continues to show up in pink.  Great name CREW!

-Thanks to ALL the Pax for the great effort today! (Straight Cash, Ape, Big Mean, Dewey, Mailman, Comet, Finger, Contra, Cheez, Strutter, Shambala)

-Mary was a consortium of YHC, Frosty, Loveshack, and Straight Cash…..thanks Mary Crew (MC).

-This #BB was written while Zeppelin IV was playing…..if you have the means, I highly recommend you do that when writing a BB.

-Thanks for the pleasure of leading you fine folks!  

-Prayers for Frosty's Grandmother, who suffered an aneurism this past week.

-Cheers my fellow F3RCUSA Brethren!!