The Battle Rope and 3S2T

Event Date

Aug 30, 2022


FNG1 = Cabernet

Frontier joined YHC for #TheStandard. Titan was noticeably absent after EH'ing me on Saturday night to run the standard with him and Frontier. We launched promptly at 0530 for the Viking bootcamp while Canuck was incredulously studying his watch and trying to distract YHC from my stated Preblast goal of #3S2T. Look it up on the Lexicon right here  

6 pax…no wait, it was 7 after a 5-minute delay for Cabernet. I think this was his first post at Viking. Given that I was late to my last Viking workout, I'll cut him some slack. Thanks again for my alarm clock, Possum!

Warm-a-rama with some F3Davidson style stretching ensued after the first short mosey into the park. Then we jogged down to the soccer fields for some battle rope fun.

Strength with rope: With 1 pax on each end of the rope, one guy pulls the other toward him, arm over arm, while the other guy offers resistance. The others dug deep with a push-a-rama around the battle rope (i.e. 7 sets of 10 in-cadence  'mericans or dry docks). One lap around the parking lot ended that painstation.

Speed with rope: We moved the party up the hill to the rock pile where we each picked a rock and again gathered around the battle rope. One pax put the rope around his hips while another held the 2 ends of the rope and offered sled-style resistance while the the guy with the rope around his hips high-step/ran about 25 yards. Those 2 switched roles and returned the same way. The guys will the rocks did the typical rock type exercises (i.e. 7 rounds of 10 to 20 in-cadence curls, overhead presses, tricep extensions, etc).

Stamina: To build in our Stamina component, the standard Jacob's ladder was the next exercise (7 burpie ladder at top of hill). Possum got out front and stayed out front throughout AND THEN circled back to get the 6. Great push! 

Mental Toughness: Jersey Boy had a great idea, which YHC attempted and executed poorly. Cobains. I think we'll have it next time. We ran an Indian Run while holding the battle rope on the way back to the launch point…say 1/4 mile. The person at the back sprints to the front while the others continually slide back on the rope so that the rope maintains the pace of the lead person and sprinter.

Physical Toughness: Out of breath and dripping sweat, MWAR (mary with a rope) was the final COP with everyone attempting their own sin/cos/tan curve. These exercises were called by the pax and were mostly ab varietals.

The final call from YHC was some more hamstring/glute stretching and the crowd-pleasing pigeon.


  1. Cabernet (in his rookie month) jumped in with some solid in-cadence counting and managed to keep down his Merlot this time. 
  2. Frontier may have been struggling with the mental toughness more than others as I alluded to some anxiety inducing rope climbs which we never did. 
  3. Thanks for the EH, Waffle 
  4. Possum, thanks for the creative encouragement
  5. Canuck, thanks for the astronomy lesson.

Prayers for Jedi's son's recovery, Canuck's friend Pat whose mother just passed away, and Scrappy (recovering from a hamstring injury).