The Beacon Lives

The Beacon Lives

18 of NoCo's finest showed and subsequently knowed.  As the "Gateway Drug" to F3, The Beacon has been the beginning for many of the cornerstone PAX of F3.  With RUCK season closed (mostly) and running season beginning it was time to step in and Q. 

8 men took on the Standard. Incognitians ever separating themselves from the PAX began at 0615 for 4.? Miles with matching watches.  The BadNewsBRRs took the Standard on for 2.5 miles (watches not matching, but still on fleek).

Not on website:

Grey Hound, Dyson, Mellow


1 mi Indian Run



15 CP IC

10 WM IC


Evolution 1

5 muricans quadraphillia up Hells Ascent

5 Burpees walk crab down and lunge walk 20 meters

sprint 30 meters down and back

Bearcrawl to base of Hells Ascent

repeat decreasing Burpees from five to 1 for 5 rounds. 

Evolution 2

(what goes down must go up)

5 sit-ups charge up Hells Ascent 1 jump squat crawl bear down

crabwalk 20 meters quadraphilia 30 meters run back 30 meters 

backwards lunge walk to base of Hells Ascent and Repeato until reach 5 jump squats at the top. 

Indian run to Statesville Crossing Hill

Partner up (for no apparent reason)

11's with jump squats at the top and CDDs at the bottom alternating PAX (to keep from running over each other truly). 

A lot of BS calls here… (Really guys? This is the frickin Beacon. Pony up.)

Indian run back (the long way). 


Mason Twist (Caypso)

Low Flutter (YHC)



Good to be back at the Beacon. Thank you Ramrod for holding the torch and for allowing me the keys for a day. 

Junk: Strong work

Dyson: Thanks for showing up. You crushed it. 

Incognitians: your team looks strong and I have watch FOMO. (Not really. Ok really)

BadNewsBRRs: honored to run with you all

ElChapo: T-Claps for bringing the FNG 

FNG: best thing I heard today… "I'm gonna go sit in the bath for… A while"

Springfield: "not a runner". Yeah right. Thanks for leaving me in the dust. 

Mellow and Master Po: great to meet you guys. Awesome work!

Uncle Rico: Gonna miss you while you're in Kenya. EH a tribe or two while you are there. #GrowSchool


Ephesians 6:10-19

Thank you to Bogey, C-Note, and especially TBC for seeing F3 in me before I could see it in myself. (You were right.)

Friday… Oh wait… Never mind #fretwell