The Beacon: Sharknado Teaser and Soccer Pleaser

Event Date

Mar 26, 2016

4 PAX entered the Red Pill Danger Zone of GCC for a Sharknado inspired workout with a friendly game of soccer for those who made it through the pain. 

Warmup mosey around the church. 


(1) Sharknado – ONE ROTATATION.  

15 burpees, one lap around the front of the church 

20 merkins, one lap 

20 WW2 situps, one lap

20 diamonds, one lap 

20 scorpion dry docks, one lap

(2) Pull Up Forest 

Partner A – Does 10 pull-ups, 10 burpees 

Partner B – Sprint to the fence, 6 fence jumps 


(3) Home Depot Wall 

Wall sit, 10 derkins, Wall sit 

(4) PAX Loader Ladder  – start with 1 exercise.  Then keep loading up.  1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4-5, 1-2-3-4-5-6, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

1 – burpee (Firestone)

2 – jump squats (Scrappy)

3- 10 second plank (Contra)

4- Quarter turn jumps squats (Zuul) 

5- WW2 situps (Scrappy)

6- Modified Bam-Bams (1 merkin, 1 rock hopper) (Contra)

7- windshield wipers  (Zuul)

8 – Firestone choice (Can't remember) 

MOSEY back to the church, Scrappy grabs soccer ball out of his car.  

(5) Monkey in the Middle 

Unlimited Touch, 2 touch, and 1 touch 

(6) 2 on 2 Soccer game 

Zuul and Scrappy vs. Contra and Firestone 

4 – 3 final score 


1.  RESPECT as always to our WarDaddy Zuul at 58 years old and nice work NOT missing a step with the young guns.  

2.  Welcome to a little Sharknado teaser.  Hope you men enjoyed it.  The course we ran was very similar Burner's wheel of pain.  Starts on a downward slope.  Flattens out. Then it's up hill and then flattens again. We did ONE set.  Times that by 5 and you have the Nado. 

3.  The PAX were relieved that we broke at the 7:35 mark to play soccer.  We came out of the box really HOT and Contra was making a huge puddle at HOME DEPOT.  

4.  Firestone is looking jacked up these days.  Or it could have just been the Smedium sized T-shirt.  Either way, he's looking beefcake.  Thanks for sharing about your volunteering at Elevation. It takes faith to step out and serve and you are an inspiration.  

As we enter into the summer, I would like to challenge my brothers to step out of your comfort zone and maybe try the BRR or a GO RUCK event, or something that you "normally" wouldn't try.  This can be a 3rd F or 2nd F event or opportunity as well.  

For example, I can't run long distance without some ankle, foot, hip, or knee starting to fall apart.  So, I'm signed up for the BRR and the Bourbon Chase.  Through our weakness, God can be glorified.  I encourage you to try something new and see what God reveals to you and what new relationships you may form because of you stepping out in faith.