The Bear

Event Date

Jul 13, 2018


Captian Cooter continued the tradition of leading the F3 Goatbusters towards the top of Grandfather Mountain for the best BRR training that NC has to offer…The Bear. Here is their story:


Injuries and life complications reduced the full roster, including Capt Coot, of the Goatbusters by four (heal up gents…we need all of you soon) but that didn't stop the remaining eight from toeing the line for The Bear. Added in Frogger, Heely (by way of Burnsy), White Lightning, Whoopi, and Choo Choo and the party was on. We learned from past mistakes and hit a team warm up run and lined up early at the front. Gun went off and they gon'…

Heely, Smokey, Gray Ghost, Turncoat, Snoopy, and Auto took off, in that order, like they were chasing a limited release caramel moonshine in Wadmalaw. Of course they were all probably walking by the end of mile 1. But who wasn't.

The rest of the crew putzed along at various paces trying to find their breath, the highly coveted dirt groove in the middle of Yonalohsee, and a heartrate under 200. Everyone runs through the same set of questions in the first half of The Bear:

  • Wait…this was definitely flatter last time I ran it
  • Are we still going up?
  • Just get to the 1 mile mark then I can walk
  • There it is. I can hear the bag pipes. Its gonna be flat. Its gonna be flat.

The Highland Games are a beautiful sight. The bagpipes. The drumbeats. And the 100m of flatness. Oh the flatness. Until it stops being flat. Then its time to walk a lot.

If you haven't run The Bear before, then YHC won't ruin the next 2 miles. They're glorious. Then you crest the top and its over. All the work, all the pain, its over. Grab a medal and if you are fast enough to the top, some hardware. A picture overlooking the gorge is a must. Then its a waiting game until you can grab a ride to the bottom.


  • It was so awesome to have Heely, Frogger, White Lightning, Whoopi, & Choo Choo join the GBs for The Bear. They all crushed the run.
  • Thank you Auto for dragging YHC up the mountain…you smoked it brother
  • Turncoat, Snoopy, & Auto dropped some huge PRs…minutes not seconds…inspirational stuff gents
  • Frogger & Prof showed up in a big way for their first running of The Bear…strong
  • Redemption Poptart, redemption
  • Smoke & Ghost always racing & ending in a photo finish…a photo that shows ghost winning
  • Heely looks right at home drinking a Hop Drop in a Goatbuster tee…just sayin'
  • Those switchbacks wouldn't have gone nearly as quick without Lego screaming from the top…thanks brother for always being there #HIM
  • If you haven't jumped in on a CSAUP event with other F3 pax, you are doing it wrong. CSAUP events don't just give you a reason to train, a reason to keep others accountable, it provides the necessary 2ndF that all men require. The best parts of The Bear occur as you catch up with other pax on the drive up, during the warm up run, as you toe the line, and certainly as you celebrate the awesome finish with beers over a jalopy. F3 Nations calls 2ndF the glue because that accountability that is built is what keeps you engaged when life gets hard. Invest in your brothers by way of a CSAUP and jump in on some 2ndF. Thanks to the Goatbusters for continually investing in and supporting YHC. Always encouraging and motivating. And thanks to the rest of F3 Isotope that understands the importance of CSAUP and 2ndF. This F3 region is second to none. Until the next time…

Don Ho
