The Beating Continued and Morale Never Improved

Better late than never…

14 of NoCo's finest traveled to The Wilderness, many expecting a brickfest, only to be greatly disappointed when they saw YHC running to the AO, and no Jeep in sight.

I announced that i was there to sell seats and kick some @ss, and i was all out of seats!!!



  • 10 burpees OYO
  • Windmill  x15 IC
  • Cotton Picker  x15 IC
  • Mtn Climber  x15 IC
  • Peter Parker  x15 IC
  • Parker Peter  x15 IC


THe Thang:

  • Mosey to the Yard
  • In honor of United Airlines…Parter Drags across tennis courts, and flap jack
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Bear Crawl
  • Crab Walk
  • Dragon Crawl
  • Frog Hop
  • Prison Yard Partner Squats  x10, sprint to other end and flap jack.  REPEATO
  • Mosey to playground
  • 3 rounds of:  10 pull-ups / 20 dips / 20 Mericans
  • Mosey to the home-court rocks
  • Rock Webbs  1/4, 2/8…5/20
  • Full Curl  x10 IC
  • High Curl  x10 IC
  • Low Curl  x10 IC
  • Leg Lifts  x25 IC each leg
  • LBC  x15 IC
  • Dot the "i"  x15 IC



  • Great to see Calypso getting back to his roots at The Wilderness!  Now we just need to get some of the others to come back home (Jorel, Sweet C, Ruffles, Kumquat, Chestnut, Jolly…)
  • Good to see Rock Lobster back out there too!  It's been too long!!
  • And Mini Me?!  To what did we owe the honor?!!!
  • Some of the PAX suggested we could have done the Partner Drags on the soccer field.  However, last time i did The Beast on the soccer field, there was a lot of cheatin' goin' on.  I thought that would be less likely in the Prison Yard!
  • Tantrum was being Tantrum (and they call me Toxic!?!?)
  • Amen's 2.0's have been setting the world on fire recently.  It was suggested that it might have something to do with him sharing some of the food with them now!  Lookin great Amen…keep it up!!!
  • Thanks to the PAX for allowing me to lead today.  It's always an honor!!
  • Join The WIlderness next week for the return of Calypso at the helm.  This should be good!!!