The Berean Army

Winter Storm Diego brought snow, sleet, and ice to the LKN area over the weekend, prompting the pax to converge Monday’s Berean and Arnie’s Army workouts. Normally The Berean and Army keep a respectful distance from each other (like I respect you but stay off my turf). On this day, however, MQs decided for the good of the pax to combine forces and create one epic beatdown in the middle of a blizzard.

(That and The Berean guys knew Starbucks would be closed for 3rd F…so why not sleep a little more?)

Despite the extra sleep, YHC got up at normal Berean time to get a couple pre-standard-standard miles around Birkdale Village cuz why not. Of course as YHC was walking out to the car, no other than Don Ho (a perennial pre-standard-standarder) drove by to get a couple of pre-pre-standard-standard miles in.

After a couple laps, YHC and Don Ho picked up Auto for the official standard run. It was concurred that Birkdale Parkway would be the safest/clearest route, so we headed across 73 along Birkdale Parkway. The over/under on pax for the 0530 bootcamp was set at 4, so everyone was surprised to see 3 additional pax waiting for the runners’ return (total of 6). An additional 2 pax joined during warm-o-rama for a grand total of 8!


Q duties were split evenly between Auto (Arnie’s Q) and Dingo (Berean’s Q) and goes as follows:

Warm-o-rama under parking deck cover:

SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Mountain Climbers, Carrot Pullers, Merkins, WW2 sit ups all IC


The Thing:

Mosey to adjacent parking deck to do some exercises

Mosey to cinder blocks, Zamperini to cover of Barnes & Noble, do some curls, skull crushers, squat to press, etc. Take a lap and repeat with more block exercises. There were lots of different exercises but the only thing YHC can recall is how cold those blocks were. Fortunately, others complained so YHC didn’t have to admit his wimpiness. Unfortunately, the complaining did not dissuade the Q (or even the other Q) from changing game plans.

So we did more block exercises, and ran another lap or two.

Mary concluded in the parking deck.

Conquering a blistery workout, the pax victoriously marched toward Starbucks for coffee on Dingo’s tab…only to find that Starbucks was, in fact, still closed.



YHC definitely would not have lasted as long in this morning’s weather without the other pax’s eagerness to put in some work. Thank you! And massive thanks to Dingo and Auto for co-Qing today, it was a great workout. Not sure how much you actually planned but you get full credit! Thanks, DH, for showing early to run w/ YHC…jumping in cold puddles is no fun to do solo. And thanks to everyone else who showed as well (Mr Holland trekked over in snowboots), what should have been a miserable morning instantly became a great one in everyone’s company.