The Berean goes old school

9 Pax set out for an old rendition of the "caboose" wehre we run, then we stop for a pax choice, then we run again.

It turned into sprinting which was dumb but fun.

Then 2 more joined us for a discussion around being dads according to Psalm 127 and a discussion about Jay Payleitner's book 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad. 

Good times this am and great discussion, thanks for letting me Q Dingo, sorry it was 2 weeks late!

And thank you men for sharing even when its hard.  As men, we think its best to tough it out and do it on our own.  But I picked up a little something from everyone that spoke this morning.  Iron truly does sharpen iron.  If you aren't diving into the 3rd F, I encourage you to do so beacuse you are missing out.  And I encourage you to bring one of the Pax with you or a new guy.  There are so many guys praying for this right now, lets get it to them!
