The Best Laid Plans……

Event Date

Oct 03, 2019


Arrived to the LFC parking lot this morning only to see our trusty regular TugBoat ready and waiting.  Before too long, Mona rolled in followed by Swede.  We were enthused by some shiny lights in the gloom that turned out to be Pea and Force.  There was a LandShark sighting but may have just been my imagination……..

Warm Up:  Mosey thru the parking lot for HK; BK; SS; Karioke (or you can do like The Force and just cut the corners!!)….circle up for HOFFORAMA…..if you dont know what that is check previous backblast or ask Mona Lisa….its becoming a crowd favorite for sure!!!

The Thang: 

Grab Cindy!

Round 1: 5 exercises (curls; block swing; skull crusher; chest press; shoulder press) (one for each PAX) and a timer.  PAX do AMRAP exercises while one PAX is the timer….the timer pushes block 20 yards; runs back to start; runs back to block; push block back to start; ROTATE after timer is done.  When all have done each exercise and have been the timer, run one big lap around parking lot.

Round 2: same as round 1 except exersises are incline merkins on block; rocky balboa on block; merkins; line hops; decline merkins.  Timer executes farmers carry.  When done….one big lap around the lot.

Round 3: Same as Round 1 but PAX choice of exercises at each station.  Timer pushes block down and back.  Run half lap.

Round 4: Same as Round 1 but PAX must do the exercise the avoided at each station in Round 3.  Timer farmer carry down and back.


MARY: One burpee on our own



Most of the PAX felt that there was no plan for today.  Not true my friends!!  I actually spent the few minutes bettween my head hitting the pillow and before my eyes closed last night to come up with the general framework of the workout.  I will admit the details of each round came about while my mind wondered during those big laps around the lot!!!  Ended up being a good workout, a good sweat, and good mumble chatter and fellowship throughout!!!  Happy Anniversary Swede!!  Thoughts and prayers go out to Baller and his family at this time!!!

Have a great day men!

Until next time!
