The best laid plans of Qs and PAX often go awry

19 Men were made and one puppy howled with approval. Here is their story.

I tried to stay to the winkie, but a wet football field and lack of oxygen later in the workout resulted in some modifications.

Mosey around the parking lot, circle up and disclaimer.

Warm Up

Side Straddle Hopx25, Windmillx15, Imperial Storm Trooperx15, Moroccan Night Clubx50, ‘Mericans x10, Carrot Pullersx10

Head over to the Kettlebells

Shoulder Pressx15, Curlsx15, Skull Crushersx15, Kettle Bell Swingx10, on your six-chest pressx25

Head over to the playground

Pullupsx10, Upright Rowx15, Lawn Mowerx10 – each side (Repeat)

Head over to the football field – Redirected to the parking lot due to a wet field

Line up in the end zone – Lung Walk – Kettlebell through the legs 33 yards – Squatsx15 (repeat 3 times)

Line up for end around touchdown (plank in a line, end around run to the other goal post) – scratched

Line in the end zone – around the world for 33 years – deadliftx15 (repeat 3 times) or Sumo Squat

Line up for end around touchdown (plank in a line, end around run to the other goal post) – scratched

Run around the parking lot for Hootie or extra time killer, you be the judge.

Back to the parking lot

Shoulder Pressx10, Curlsx10, Skull Crushersx10, Kettle Bell Swingx10, on your six-chest pressx15

Mary – x15 each

Low flutter, Rosalitta, Pretzel Crunch-Rightx15 / Leftx15, WWII sit upx10, plank into ‘Mericansx10 JayLox10, Jane Fondax10 each side and Titan finished up with Monkey Humpers


I planned to do some work on the Football Field, but heavy rain dampened my may plans. We adapted and made the best of it, but I knew things were off the rails when Oyster started to ask me about cloud formations and told me how beautiful the sunrise was, Hahaha, as if breathing was not enough of a problem I had to try to comprehend this conversation. I appreciate the effort; it calmed me down and helped get me a little to get back on course that said toward the end of the workout the crazy train was off the tracks. The workout was a blast, thank you for the PAX for coming along for the ride. Much like Rain Man, “Yeah, I’m an excellent driver.”      

My apologies to all the PAX for the sweaty fist pump this morning. I especially like Metallica’s look of disappointment, disgust, and disapproval as he looked at his wet hand during name-“aroma”. Sorry Brother.

Rudy, I didn’t see you name on the website, let me know if I am spelling this wrong or got the wrong name

Our hearts go out to Jordan Sheldon and his family. Jordan was a Mooresville police officer who was shot during a traffic stop this weekend. The men and women who serve to protect us through their service in law enforcement are a special group of individuals. Please be sure to thank them and look out for those who serve and protect us both locally and abroad.

Thank you Omega, for allowing me to Q. My pre-blast spoke of lifting kettlebells and our brothers. You all did both of these things this morning and I am thankful for you all.
