The Best Medicine for Murph Melancholy is a Sharknado

When Ponch reached out on the bat phone for a substitute Q heading into the weekend, I allowed ample time for one of the other members of our posse to pick up the handset. But when the phone kept ringing, I took the initiative and the role. After pondering ideas most of the weekend, I had nothing. But when Estwing questioned my preblast on Sunday afternoon, I knew just what was needed. 

You see, many of the pax (YHC included) have come to the conclusion that the monthly Murph doesn’t fall within their wheelhouse and so they seek out other alternatives on the last Monday of the month. That doesn’t necessarily mean they want an easy workout — no matter what they may tell you in the comments below. Fortunately for them, I am a Q who cares. And I knew that to the man, everyone at The Sword this morning would appreciate an equally exciting WIB. And so with eager hearts, we each took on the next installment of the SHARKNADO.

Starting in the upper, right corner of the parking lot, we would do 5 sets of 5 exercises with 15 reps each. In between each exercise we would run an 1/8 mile lap. The exercises included:

  1. Burpees
  2. Diamond Merkins
  3. WWII Situps
  4. Merkins
  5. Scorpion Dry Docks

Completing all 5 rounds would net you a 5k; any less and you would have a base line to beat the next time you ‘nado. Here’s a list of today’s men with the number of sets (and corresponding miles) completed:

  • Amen – 3.1 (2.0 mi)
  • Blackbeard – 3.3 (2.25 mi)
  • Bob Ross – 3.4 (2.375 mi)
  • Crocs – 4.4 (3.0 mi)
  • Deadhead – 4.0 (2.5 mi)
  • Dewey – 4.1 (2.625 mi)
  • Estwing – 4.1 (2.625 mi)
  • Frontier – 4.0 (2.5 mi)
  • Goon – 4.1 (2.625 mi)
  • Peart Plus – 2.0 (1.0 mi)
  • Ponch – 4.2 (2.75 mi)
  • Sack Daddy – 4.1 (2.625 mi)
  • The Force – 4.4* (3.0 mi)
  • Toxic – 4.2 (2.75 mi)
  • Ultraman – 4.4 (3.0 mi)

Following name-o-rama we took a knee and went around the circle allowing each man an opportunity to add to the prayer with his own petition. Thanks to Ponch for closing us out!


  • I believe Amen and Peart Plus also got in a standard, adding to their mile counts above
  • Kudos to the MQ, Ponch, for attending after a 12-hour shift
  • Happy early birthday to The Force who plans to converge 3 workouts on Wednesday
  • Speaking of Mr Newton, please clarify in the comments what the asterisks is for
  • Despite participating in a few Sharknados in Monteith, it wasn’t until last night that YHC realized the original course was in the shape of a shark fin
  • Cobains to Burner – the original author of today’s WIB – YHC erroneously called for 15 reps of all exercises when it should have been 20 reps for everything but the burpees
  • BZ to Ultraman, The Force and Crocs for leading the pax with 4.4 rounds
  • If you’re in town on 9/17, sign up for the Sweet Tooth 8k. Everyone did more than half that distance this morning, and on race day there will be no burpees, merkins, situps or dry docks

