The Best Part of your Day

11 men met in the bitter cold to heat things up fast. (6 met even earlier for extra credit: 3 runners, 3 Ruckers).

YHC had an amazing workout planned, but it entailed traveling far from the parking deck and I thought it might be warmer to stay within the confines of the deck (there is science involved…without credibility check, I’m calling it a fact). Luckily, I have a creative mind that can adapt on the fly. Here’s how things went down:

Warmorama run down to the basement (which is colder inside a house, but warmer in 20 degree gloom…don’t look that up)

SSH x25ic

Apollo Ono x9ic

Mericans x9ic

Toy soldier x9ic

IST x9ic

Squats x9ic

Mountain Climbers x9ic

We had positioned ourselves so close to the basement wall I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to use it:

Peoples Chair while each pax took turns doing 5 decline mericans until finished.

Protractor: Feet on the wall with body at 30 degree for a 10 count, then 60 degrees for a 10 count, then 90 degrees for 10 more, then back down stopping at 60 and 30 again for another 10 count at each. REPEATO 

Mosey to railing for “low hanging squat:” Feet on the knee wall while grabbing the rail. Stand and squat below your feet while holding onto the rail. x9ic,  REPEATO

Spotted a nice, newly sodded patch of real estate. Perfect for tunnel of love! Everyone 2 times through.

Austrailian Peel Back up to the next level.

Run to the top for some parking spot fun: Choose a parking spot and stand against the wall on one side of it. Inch worm with a merican to the end, plank walk to the other side, worm-inch back and plank walk to the start. REPEATO the opposite way and add a CDD to the worm-inch.

1000 MERICANS: Half pax did Mericans while the other half ran one half level down and back until a collective 1000 reps was complete-ish (lots of questionable math here)

Run down to the “happy place” which I thought was the landing pad where MARY is usually performed, but Caboose started heading to Starbucks.

MARY: Unilaterally: Pretzel x9ic, Hip Dip x9ic, Pillow Talk (V up) x9ic… There were some complaints about uneven core strength, so we did the same on the other side.

Elbow plank until everyone counted to 10 in order.


It was cold, but that doesn’t stop these men from posting, holding themselves accountable and being there for their fellow pax…AYE.

There was mention that things got a lot quieter at 0600 when Etch and Qbert left. I will argue that the entire workout atmosphere was different in their departure.

Entourage committed to my Q yesterday, but was missing. In his most manly voice, he said, “I hit chest and triceps today so could you take it easy?” My plan was to make it a leg smoker this morning, but he didn’t show, so you can blame the 1000 mericans on him 😉 

Thanks to everyone for showing. It shows your commitment to yourself and the other men bold enough to brave the 20 degree Frost. Especially during that tunnel of love.