The Bet

We ran 5 miles.  Some did more like 4.  Some ran fast.  Some ran slow.  But that's not whats important here.  No sir.

A bet has been made, and this backblast shall enshrine it into the bible of commitments that is men making a bar bet

THE BET:  Carolina Panthers will win 10 games (or more) next year.

THE BETTORS:  Taking the affirmative (10+ wins); Camelback.  The negatory (=<9 wins); Jaws.

MORE INFO:  Panthers games for 2020 (order and dates TBD):

Home:  Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, Denver Broncos, Oakland Raiders, Arizona Cardinals, Atlanta Falcons, New Orleans Saints, Tampa Bay Bucs.

Away:  Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers, Kansas City Chiefs, San Diego or wherever the hell they're from now Chargers, Washington Redskins (a.k.a. Ron Rivera's revenge), Atlanta Falcons, New Orleans Saints, Tampa Bay Bucs.

THE DISCLAIMER:  Cam Newton MUST still be on the team for 2020, as Rodney's belief in the Panthers hinges upon a Cam Newton revival.  No Cam, no bet.  If he is injured or otherwise loses the starting QB job, bet is still on.

THE SPOILS:  Loser pays the bar tab after Night Ranger.  For everyone.  No questions asked.  So the Wednesday after the Panthers lose their 7th game next year… I fully expect to see 50+ of our thirstiest warriors at Night Ranger.

Word of advice to Rodney: home equity lines of credit are available from most major banks.  You will need it.  Most of F3 loves bourbon.