The Bird Bath

Event Date

Dec 22, 2015


Had a special workout ready (even wrote it down)….Then I woke up to a downpour.  Maybe it was my birthday the day before ….or thoughts of my sore back and advancing age…but the something told me to throw out the winkie and go play in the mud.


Run up to bus lot and circle up


12 Cotton Pickers IC



The Soggy Thang:

Shoot the Rock – run down the field to rock pile and grab a good rock for throwing.

Line up side by side and throw your rock. 

Bear crawl to rock

Pick it up and throw it again…cont. across field

Turn around and come back replacing bear crawl with crab walk


Back to rock pile

Full Curls 12 IC

Skull Crushers 12 IC



Drop rocks and head back up to field for Cackalacky Choo-Choo

Choo-Choo across field alternating planks and pushups

At this point we were soaked but hadn’t really enjoyed all the mud and standing water that was provided for us.


Time for some Tunnel of Love

After going through 3 or 4 rotations of standard love I still felt like we could do better.  So we flipped the tunnel (tunnel guys positioned crabwalk style) and we got after it.  There MIGHT have been some awkward moments as a bunch of wet men were trying to slide under 6 inch gaps but it’s kinda like Vegas and what happened there will stay there.

After one rotation we needed some punches in the man card so we headed over to play ground manlier exercises.


10 Pull-ups

Very short break

10 Pull-ups

10 Lat pulls


Over to dumpster for some wall work

Peoples Chair: Heel Touches then Air Presses

Balls to Wall:  12 shoulder touches IC

Then since I had seen Fenway the night before we had to go over the wall.

Everybody made it safely and we headed over to the basketball goals to run a suicide.



Back across field to across and some Mary

24 Freddy Mercury’s IC

Cross knee hip stretch thingy for 24 count

24 Ws

Yoga warrior like Hip flexor stretch thingy for 24 count.


Recover. Recover




-As you could imagine lots of mumble chatter during TOL.  Talk of motor boating and buried faces. 

-Turnpike…Sorry about that yellow shirt…well I guess it used to be yellow

-As we were running that last suicide my soggy shorts started to fall down….knew it was time to stop

-We had a 2nd post FNG….Welcome Mall Cop!  He is another member of the Perthsire Posse (He doesn’t have a Tundra but we let him live there anyway)

-Speaking of the Perthsire group…have to give them a special thanks for coming out in the rain to help me celebrate my luck of being their neighbor.

-66…Thanks (as always) for the opportunity to lead the good men of Fallout