The birth of the shambala

The second stage of the Road to Shambala kicked off this morning at The Rock with a kettlebell workout. The Rock was the premiere AO of the F3RCUSA version of a standing chest press which has come to be known in these parts as "the shambala". This was not by choice of YHC who had nicknamed the exercise "hold your ball" (singular testicle) after the AO's MQ unfortunate situation. Apparently that was not catchy enough I guess and it seems YHC was the first to introduce the suckage of the standing chest press to F3RCUSA. Thus was born "the shambala" as a derogatory term used to describe a painful exercise.

The morning went something like this;


20 SSH, 15 Hillbillies (Strutter missed out on this one), 10 Cotton Pickers, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 IST all in cadence (you're welcome deepend), 20 foot mosey to the road adjacent. 

Thang 1 & only:

Top, middle, & bottom established as ends of the parking lot and the middle by the AO start. Move to the bottom, where 20 "shambalas" were to be done (standing chest press). Mosey to the middle for 10 'mericans, continue towards the top for 2 upright rows, and back & forth decreasing by 2 on one end while increasing by 2 on the other. The catch is that while slow-moseying up to the top you should be doing curls the whole way, and coming down zamp your bell. 

In order to save face on Mary, we did 20 flutter press (with bell).

Runners (alternative workout) were: Deadpool, Strutter, Contra, Motorboat, Totebag, & Discraft

FNG-1 was John (EH'd by Brushless) who is yet to be named assuming we did not scare him away. Naming is being discussed via Slack and London Whale, we could use your assistance if you would come out of retirement.

And the points are as follows (all protests must be lodged with both board members present at the workout, likely to occur at the next second harvest blood moon where Mercury is in alignment with Uranus);


Chief 10
Cupcake 10
Scrum 10
Lear 10
Goat Path 10
Deep end 10
Apehangers 7
The Bends 5
Soul Glo 5
Motorboat 5
Mailman 5
Usain 5
Brushless 5
Banana Peel 3
Dewey 3
FNG1 (John) 3
Pyle 3
Contra 0
Cheez Wiz 0
Totebag 0
Deadpool 0
Discraft 0
Strutter 0

