The Black Eyed bonesaw

Black Eyed Pea on the Q

12 pax threw caution to wind and took off for about 4 miles of tempo and hills with 20 merkins, 20 low flutters at the top of the hills and 20 squats at the bottom.

COT things happened

Then about half went to coffee.

What a great start to the day.  it's worthy of a BB so 100×12 credit can be granted

Ludicrous moleskin:

  • BEP brought it and found every freaking hill out there.  The Strava elevation map was an absolute bonesaw. Crazy since we never ran the same hill.
  • What I learned today:    Jaws is a dude everyone needs.  Some people will let you be you and do your thing.  Some people will push you hard.  Jaws does both well, and knows when to play each card.  As long as you are genuine in your efforts, he will encourage you no matter what.  And he is there when he senses you want a push, and gives it.  Either running a step ahead to drive you, or just calling stuff as he sees it (and you need to see it).   So be a Jaws and make the next man better.