The Blender – Bunyan and Bam Bam Secure Bounty at Annual BarnBurner Classic

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 15 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with kettle bells in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown Blender style at the state-of-the-art big green gym of GCC.   

Warm Up:
Jog to Pull-Up Forest with Kettle Bell
SSH x 5
Cotton Picker x 5

Main Event: Pull-Up Forest/Softball Field

Kettle Bell Swing x 20
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 20
Kettle Bell Lunge x 20
Merican x 20
Burpee-to-Pull-Up x 10

Race 1:
First man sprints to fence and back while second man planks
Second man sprints to fence and back while first man planks
Wheel Barrow to fence and back

Merican x 10

Kettle Bell Swing x 20
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 20
Kettle Bell Lunge x 20
Merican x 20
Burpee-to-Pull-Up x 10

Race 2:
First man sprints to fence and back while second man planks
Second man sprints to fence and back while first man planks
Partner Drag to fence and back

Merican x 10

Kettle Bell Swing x 10
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 10
Kettle Bell Lunge x 10
Merican x 10
Burpee-to-Pull-Up x 5

Race 3:
First man sprints to fence and back while second man planks
Second man sprints to fence and back while first man planks
Leap Frog Parnter to fence and back

Beginning Temperature: 75F
Weather conditions: Dry
Total Running with or without KB Distance: most likely .50 mile
Total Planking Time: 0-4 minutes
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  Well, I guess this was bound to happen, but someone finally brought an actual clipboard to the WO.
2.  Bam Bam and Bunyan seemed poised from the beginning to take the bounty. 
3.  Bogey seemed too busy complaining about the government/politics.
4.  YHC knew for certain that sure-thing Denim would be a good partner, but the odd number forced a bit a clip-boarding by YHC and Denim ended up with Beefcake – perhaps a more formidable team in the end.
5.  There seemed to be a bit of confusion with team assignment and total count today – perhaps it was the heat.
6.  Bam Bam threatened to repeat today’s workout for Thursday’s Dragon Slayer if there isn’t a Q, so hopefully someone will step up.
7.  Solid effort by all, and with the no cheating police on duty, there seemed to be quite the exhaustion, as evidenced by: 1) no run back to patio with kettle bell, but instead a slow walk; 2) Zuul’s request for Uncle Rico to take his spot on the last race; 3) everyone looking as though they just had a Gatorade splash after the win. 
8.  Final scoring: After 16-pages of paper work were filed and notarized, the Excel spreadsheet algorithm was applied, and the final report was approved by the board, Bam Bam and Bunyan took the gold, Smokey and Cooter took the silver, and Bogey and Zuul took the bronze, with Denim and Beefcake taking a close fourth place.
9.  The valuable prizes?  Got to show to know.