The Blender – Crimson Calls for More Kettlebell in Cajun Cowboy Debut

Event Date

Aug 08, 2017

PAX Included: Cheerleader, Cajun Cowboy

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 13 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with cinder block workout buddies in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown at the state-of-the-art big green gym of Grace Covenant Church.    

Mosey to pull-up bars with KB
SSH x 10
Windmill x 10
Merican x 5

Main Event:
Pull-Up x 10
Kettle Bell Burpee with Shoulder Press x 10
Kettle Bell Curl x 10
Kettle Bell Skull Crusher x 10
Favorite Mary Exercise (1) x 20
Favorite Mary Exercise (2) x 20 
Sprint x 100 yards
Mosey back

Repeato x 4 (5 cycles total)

Mosey back to patio

Beginning Temperature: 74F
Weather conditions: Dry.
Total Running: most likely .50 mile
Total Planking Time: less than one minute
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  There was a bit of variation in how this all went down today, but we got her all done. 
2.  Cajun Cowboy – welcome to the gang.
3.  Crimson (beast man) wanted more KB than was planned and kept calling: “More Kettle Bell, more Kettle Bell!”  In fact, I think I heard Crimson say something to the effect of “I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Kettle Bell!”   
4.  Okay, where was Springfield?  Dallas?  Friday had a valid excuse.
5.  The PAX kept up a good pace throughout.  Noticed Bunyan has gone up consistently with KB weight.  Solid.
6.  Prayers continue to be lifted up for Cheech (Lexington, SC) and his family.  Rest in peace.
7.  It was an honor to finally lead the fine men of F3 at GCC.
8.  Word on the street is that Friday is cooking up a good Blender workout for some time in the future.