The Blender – Firestone Lights up Garage Workout in Surprise Packer Return

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 18 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with kettle bells in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown Blender style at the state-of-the-art big green gym of GCC.  

[Missing one from the PAX list – someone help me out.] 

Warm Up:
SSH x 5
Windmill x 5
200m sprint x 2

Main Event: Garage Workout with Four Corners around Church

Corner 1A:
Kettle Bell Swing x 20
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 20
Hand-Release Burpee x 20

Corner 2A:
Kettle Bell Swing x 19
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 19
Hand-Release Burpee x 19

Corner 3A:
Kettle Bell Swing x 18
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 18
Hand-Release Burpee x 18

Corner 4A:
Kettle Bell Swing x 17
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 17
Hand-Release Burpee x 17

Corner 1B:
Kettle Bell Swing x 16
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 16
Hand-Release Burpee x 16

Corner 2B:
Kettle Bell Swing x 15
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 15
Hand-Release Burpee x 15

Corner 3B:
Kettle Bell Swing x 14
Kettle Bell Squat to Press x 14
Hand-Release Burpee x 14

Elbow Plank x 1 minute
W x 15
Dying Cockroach x 15
Low Flutter x 15
Quadraphilia up Hell’s Ascent x 3
Low Flutter x 10
Dying Cockroach x 10
W x 10
Elbow Plank x 1 minute

Beginning Temperature: 75F
Weather conditions: Dry
Total Running with or without KB Distance: most likely .50 mile
Total Planking Time: 2-4 minutes
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  Firestone really seemed to love this WO – only one to get to corner 3B.
2.  Friday decided to swing the 50 pounder again – not a good idea to trade with him. 
3.  Over Budget supporting the new 45 pounder and the best comment of the morning: “Oh, we only have 15 reps this round? Sweet!”
4. Dallas and Etch-A-Sketch still arguing about who shows up to the Blender.  Over the past five weeks I believe Etch has the most points.
5.  Bunyan tried to lobby for a new name for the Q, but it didn’t hold – thankfully.
6.  As Bogey noted, the breeze just before the start was really nice, but somehow it died instantly at 5:30am.  Then the air quality got really interesting with an apparent burning tire from route 77.
7.  Nice to see Packer back at the Blender.  Just realized Big Perm moved – hope all is well in Asheville. 
8.  The plan was to include the standard burpee, but once YHC noticed that Dallas arrived the hand-release burpee innovation was developed.
9.  Iron City noted the need to take about 5 showers after this one – YHC will likely need 6.
10.  It was an honor to lead this morning.  Solid effort by all.