The Blender – Say Hello to My Little Friend

PAX also incuded: Big Ticket, LeBon

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 18 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with kettle bells in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown Blender style at the state-of-the-art big green gym of GCC in memory of Scarface.    

Warm Up:
Run to back of church from patio
SSH x 5
Windmill x 5
Burpee x 25

Main Event:

Partner Up:

1st Quarter:
Partner 1 quadraphilia up Hell’s Assent x 2 with Kettle Bell
Partner 2 begins Hand-Release Mericans
Partners switch when Partner 1 returns 
Repeato: 8 minutes

2nd Quarter:
Partner 1 bear crawl up Hell’s Assent / crawl bear down x 2 
Partner 2 begins Kettle Bell swings
Partners switch when Partner 1 returns 
Repeato: 8 minutes

3rd Quarter:
Partner 1 runs lap around church 
Partner 2 begins Kettle Bell curl to press to skull crush x 20 & burpee x 5
Partners switch when Partner 1 returns 
Repeato: 8 minutes

4th Quarter:
Partner 1 run up Hell’s Assent / run down x 3 
Partner 2 begins Kettle Bell squat to shoulder press
Partners switch when Partner 1 returns 
Repeato: 8 minutes

Flutter Kick x 5
Crossover sit-ups left x 15
Crossover sit-ups right x 15
W x 5
Elbow plank x 1 minute

Beginning Temperature: 64F
Weather conditions: Dry
Total Running with or without KB Distance: most likely .75 mile
Total Planking Time: 1 minute
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  Everyone seemed to love this workout, even Prime Time.
2.  Bam Bam would have loved it, and certainly called out the KB squat to shoulder press. 
3.  Lego showed great speed, paired with Bunyan, and only group to run 5 laps total.
4.  Snoopy noted that Friday’s team cheated in the Delta.
5.  Denim with the new shoes, looks like they came in handy. 
6.  It was an honor to lead this morning.  Solid effort by all.